iav1917@ritcv.UUCP (alan i. vymetalik) (10/21/87)
OK, netland, this is comp.sys.dec.micro! Finally! While the VAXmate is a neat machine, let't not let it swamp this this newsgroup. The purpose of this posting is simple. Are there any Rainbow users out there? Doing anything really useful? Creating anything particularly interesting for the beast? Anyone interested in PD programs for the Rainbow posted here? Graphics, list processors, editors, games, etc? Anyone interested in keeping abreast with the latest Rainbow news through two dedicated DEC micro newsletters ("Rainbow News" and "The DEC MicroLetter")? Any fanatics? Anyone care? Please post and/or e-mail me if you are. Also, if I get enough votes on the subject, I'll try and keep a somewhat regular digest of the Rainbow EchoMail conference from the FIDO network. Anyone not interested in DEC's micros shouldn't be here to begin with. All flamers can flame to the MAC's Trash icon, thank you kindly. Enjoy, Alan Alan I. Vymetalik @ {allegra,seismo}!rochester!ritcv!iav1917 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The above statements and opinions belong to the author. Any resemblence to statements found in actual reality is purely coin- cidental. And, as always, the above opinions have absolutely nothing to do with the little, fat man putting $100 bills in my pocket. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Kushall.Henr@XEROX.COM (Edward) (10/21/87)
Alan: I have a DEC Rainbow 100B with graphics and 896K RAM. I"am currently using this machine to develop my Masters Thesis project. The project is an implementation of the PHIGS standard. Ed Kushall PS: Please respond to this message, a while back mail to RIT was only one way due to a problem with RITs mail parser, I hope that has been fixed.
Kushall.Henr@XEROX.COM (Edward) (10/21/87)
Alan: How does one get "Rainbow News" and "The DEC MicroLetter" Ed
davis@CS.UCLA.EDU (10/21/87)
I have a Rainbow. Anyone know where I can get a math co-processor cheap and/or the NEC chip which is rumored to improve performance? Does any *good public domain backup program exist for the rainbow? _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bill Davis - UCLA Computer Science Department | | ARPA: davis@CS.UCLA.EDU | | UUCP: (ucbvax,ihnp4)!ucla-cs!davis | | MAIL: 3531 Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, California 90024-1596 | | | | ||.|..||...||.....|.|.|..|.|.|.| | |___________________________________________________________________________|