[comp.sys.dec.micro] Few non-random answers

GTHEALL@PENNDRLN.BITNET (George A. Theall) (12/04/87)

    In response to Michael Greenberg's queries:

1. Code Blue is not in the public domain. It is available thru
Suitable Solutions - phone (408) 727 9090 - for under $100. I've
also seen it advertised by a few other dealers selling Rainbow
products. Check out the fall '87 issue of Rainbow Market, which
is put out by Newline Software, PO Box 289, Tiverton, RI 02878.
There is, however, an earlier version of Code Blue that is in
the public domain - it's called DIBEM. I'm not sure what the
differences are between the two, but DIBEM might be all you
need. Look around on some bulletin boards or send me e-mail.

2. The latest version of MSKermit for the Rainbow is v2.29,
released in May 86. This should be available from most
bulletin boards, or try contacting the program developers
directly at Columbia University. Send e-mail to KERMSRV@CUVMA
on BITNET with the line HELP.

3. I believe the latest release of MicroEMACS for the Rainbow
is v3.7i. There have been more recent releases, but Rainbow
support was dropped in Jan 87. Note that there is a bug in the
code that prevents you from redefining from an .RC file
combinations of CTRL, META, and FN keys. I have located the
bug and written a fix, but since I don't have a C compiler
and my friends here don't know how to interface MS-C and ASM
modules, I haven't been able to correct the bug. Can someone
give me a hand with this? Essentially what's involved is
providing the correct segment names for the ASM routines.

    As for your other questions, I'll have to let someone
else in NETLand answer.
