D-ROGERS@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA (01/29/88)
>send me your Rainbow and I'll replace it with a VT200... >Alan I. V.... Send it to me; 'll replace it with a VT320, new, in the box! [dale] D. E. Rogers 37249 Mahonia Palmdale, CA 93550 -------
art@ccelsn.arpa (Art McClinton (703)883-6356) (01/30/88)
Date: Thu 28 Jan 88 16:43:13-PST From: D-ROGERS@edwards-2060.arpa Subject: terminal Rainbow. To: info-dec-micro@score.stanford.edu Message-Id: <12370321082.11.D-ROGERS@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA> Status: R >send me your Rainbow and I'll replace it with a VT200... >Alan I. V.... Send it to me; 'll replace it with a VT320, new, in the box! D. E. Rogers 37249 Mahonia Palmdale, CA 93550 I think that the VT220 is probably a better deal. I have a color monitor and if someone were to offer a new VT340 I would have to think twice. * *---Art * *Arthur T. McClinton Jr. ARPA: art@mitre.arpa *Mitre Corporation Phone: 703-883-6356 *7525 Colshire Drive Internal Mitre: ART@MWVMS or M10319@MWVM *McLean, Va. 22102-3481 DCS: MCCLINTON * * I apologize for the presently non-replyable return addresses. Hope to * fix that soon.