[comp.sys.dec.micro] Anybody out there?

rl1b+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU ("Robert A. Locke") (03/11/88)

I just wanted to check to see if anybody was out there or if maybe
our mailer was munging things.

--Rob Locke
  List Maintainer
Arpanet: rl1b+@andrew.cmu.edu
Bitnet : y615rl1b@CMCCVB
Fidonet: Rob Locke (1:129/15)
USNail : 5419 Normlee Place
         Pittsburgh, PA  15217

iav1917@ritcv.UUCP (alan i. vymetalik) (03/14/88)

   Yup! ... Still hanging around waiting for some good news or
   problems to come circulating by my node...

   Anyone out there doing ANYTHING?  This newsgroup has been
   too quiet for for too long.

   What can I do to wake these people up?  Hmmm... Facts and
   ennuendo...???  Some rumors, maybe?

   Suitable Solutions is still looking into marketing an 80286/80287
   processor board for the Rainbow.  Anyone interested in REALLY
   speeding up your machine?  WRITE TO THEM AND OFFER YOUR SUPPORT!
   They say they should be able to do the board for WAY less than
   $1000.00 or so.  BTW.  I don't have any connection with Suitable
   Solutions other than as a happy customer who recently purchased
   the Speed Cache caching program and the ClikClok clock chip from
   them.  However, I have offered to help beta-test the board for them.
   Of course, I am at the end of a long list so the odds are probably
   pretty small!  The board was demoed at the last DEXPO, so I have
   heard.  It's supposed to be a speed demon!  We'll have to wait and

   Contact Jerry Miller and Julia Starr at Suitable Solutions, Inc.
   1700 Wyatt Drive, Suite 12, Santa Clara, CA, 95054, (408)-727-9090.

   If you want to help keep the Rainbow community alive, support it
   by purchasing QUALITY hardware and software from Suitable Solutions
   and other businesses still supporting the Rainbow.  Hey, DEC won't
   any more!  Are you going to throw out THOUSANDS of dollars of
   hardware/software investment and purchase a computer (ahem!) from
   somebody like IBM???  Just causing a commotion, that's me!

   BTW.  Suitable Solutions is now selling the RAMbow (tm) I memory
   expansion board for the Rainbow.  It allows ALL Rainbow models
   (100A and 100B/+) to run with a full 896K of memory!  The board
   uses 9 1-megabit chips.  Slick little board.


   Well, from a "reliable source who asked not to be identified in
   case anyone is listening"...  MS-Windows V1.03.04 exists and RUNS
   on the Rainbow.  Rumor has it that it's been circulating around
   the country since December of last year or so.  Of course, this
   is just a "rumor"!  It's also rumored that all the utilities from
   MS-Windows for the IBM PC work JUST FINE under Rainbow Windows.
   Unfortunately, of course, this means that MS-Windows Paint is now
   the "best" graphics program for the Rainbow.  Sob!

   There, that ought to wake up few sleeping Rainbow people out there!

   Oh, BTW, anyone have any good MS-Windows PD/ShareWare programs for
   the IBM PC???  I want to add to my collection so that when Windows
   rolls around.... Ahh, too many rumors...

   More later, if anyone is still interested...


   All e-mails to:   {allegra | seismo}!rochester!ritcv!iav1917
   All flames to:    !lostnode!hades!flmbckt
   Alan I. Vymetalik       | Standard Disclaimer:  The above statements
   Prism Software Designs  | and opinions belong to the author.  Any 
   44 Arborwood Crescent   | resemblence to statements found in actual 
   Rochester, New York     | reality is simply coincidence.  And, as
   14615-3807              | always, the above opinions have absolutely
   (716)-458-4932 (8-10pm) | nothing to do with the little, fat man
   (leave message)         | putting $100 bills in my pocket.