[comp.sys.dec.micro] CP/M under MS-DOS

ciaraldi@cs.rochester.edu (Mike Ciaraldi) (04/30/88)

In article <56500001@urbsdc> willcox@urbsdc.Urbana.Gould.COM writes:
>On a completely different subject - I remember hearing some time ago
>about a program that let well-behaved CPM programs run under MSDOS.  I
>believe that it was available from one or more of the collections of
>public domain software.  However, I don't know what it was called.
>Does anyone remember this program, know its name, and know if it is on
>simtel20 or one of the other systems that collects this kind of stuff?
>I'd sure like to be able to throw away my CPM system disks.
I have successfully used a program called Z80MU, which lets
you run CP/M programs on an IBM PC under DOS.  I don't know if
it will run on the Rainbow or not.
I does control the screen so as to emulate various video terminals,
so I suppose it is rather hardware-dependent.  I don't remember
if this can be disabled so you could use, say, ANSI.SYS.

You can find this program in the Simtel archives in

Good luck!

Mike Ciaraldi