allyn@sdcsvax.UUCP (Allyn Fratkin) (12/09/84)
We have an IBM PC/XT running PC/IX that we'd like to connect to our campus Ethernet network. Does anyone know of a good Ethernet board for a PC (also a PC/AT) that is compatible with the Ethernet on Vaxen and Suns? Then comes the hard part (now don't laugh): Is there any TCP/IP package for PC/IX? Thanks in advance, and if there is enough interest, I'll summarize later. -- From the virtual mind of Allyn Fratkin sdcsvax!allyn@Nosc UCSD Pascal Project {ucbvax, decvax, ihnp4} U.C. San Diego !sdcsvax!allyn "Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance."
rpw3@redwood.UUCP (Rob Warnock) (12/12/84)
+--------------- | Does anyone know of a good Ethernet board for a PC (also a PC/AT) that | is compatible with the Ethernet on Vaxen and Suns? +--------------- Off hand, the only board I know of is from 3Com, which most people associate with "Thin Ethernet" (RG-58/U or similar with BNC connectors). But their boards also have a 15-pin connector on them for an external transceiver, in case you have to connect to standard Ethernet cable. Rob Warnock Systems Architecture Consultant UUCP: {ihnp4,ucbvax!dual}!fortune!redwood!rpw3 DDD: (415)572-2607 Envoy: rob.warnock/kingfisher USPS: 510 Trinidad Ln, Foster City, CA 94404
hlh@security.UUCP (Henry L. Hall) (12/30/84)
in two flavors, one with a transceiver for "thin" cable and one with a DB-15 connector for an external transceiver. Has anyone had any experience with the latter? Thanks. Also, I am interested in any TCP/IP protocols that are available for the PC. Please specify the OS (i.e. PC DOS, Venix, etc.) I will summarize to the net. Henry L. Hall {allegra, cbosgd, decvax, ihnp4, philabs, utzoo} !linus!hlh {UUCP} hlh@mitre-bedford {MIL}
hlh@security.UUCP (Henry L. Hall) (12/30/84)
My apologies for the chopped line in the first ariticle (no excuse, sir). My query is directed to the two boards made for the IBM PC by Interlan.
Stephen Carter <SCARTER@RUTGERS> (01/01/85)
I am also interested in the replies to Henry's questions on the IBMPC/Ethernet using TCP. Plus: 1) The latest apx. prices. 2) How "friendly" is the software. Most of initial users will be of the secretary type. Does it look like Telnet/FTP to the user? Thanks, SCarter@Rutgers
geof%SU-SHASTA@imagen.UUCP (01/10/85)
The systems group at MIT has produced an implementation of TCP for the PC using a 3com card. It is free, and copyable. Sources are available. The package includes documentation, telnet, tftp (a file transfer protocol) and other protocols. Call Muriel Webber (617) 253-1000 to order a copy. Network Research Corporation of Santa Monica, CA also has or soon will have a TCP for MS-DOS (and other things). I haven't seen it.