[comp.sys.dec.micro] MSDOS 3.ish advantage?

m0p@k.cc.purdue.edu (S. Kulikowski) (08/26/88)

   ''' what do i get in MSDOS v. 3.1 ? '''

  well, you ought to get 224 filenames per directory.  i believe MSDOS
v. 2ish gives you only 64 filenames in the FAT table with single-sided
media, and 112 files with double-sided.

  i  write  programs  which  generate  lots of data, so i run across these
things betwixt rainbows and ibm PCs or PS/2s.  i  haven't  seen  this  DEC
specific  MSDOS  3.ish, so i would like to verify from someone who has one
in their hot little hands.  i have been using  MSDOS  3ish  in  the  other
machines, and it is nice to get the extra room in the FAT.

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