Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1987 08:15 PAC From: Marty Zimmerman <MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET> Subject: Vaxmate and Word Perfect query To: <INFO-DEC-MICRO@ANDREW.CMU.EDU> ======================================================================== Michael D. Connelly writes the following with regard to Vaxmates: >Well, we got a few and are trying to run Wordperfect on them. It installs and >runs fine, but we can't seem to get underlining to work. Yes, we have tried >underlining, but we either get reverse video (when selecting reverse video for >underlining), or very dim characters (when selecting underlining for >underlining). In either case, no actual underlining. >Has anyone seen this on other PC/AT (80286) compatibles? DEC claims full CGA >emulation, but... -------------- If it is full CGA emulation, there won't be any underlining. IBM CGA does not support underlining, and Word Perfect running on an IBM usually uses boldfacing or a special color to represent underlining. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marty Zimmerman, Univ of Idaho, Moscow, ID USA <MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1987 08:22 PAC From: Marty Zimmerman <MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET> Subject: My two cents worth on Rainbow *** To: <INFO-DEC-MICRO@ANDREW.CMU.EDU> ======================================================================== It's nice to know I'm not the only one stuck, er.. make that blessed with this machine. I have a Rainbow 100B, 896K, graphics, etc. I am curious about monitor and hard-disk options for the Rainbow. Does anyone know if a NEC Multisync can be connected (I realize some kind of converter would be needed to match the cables, but how hard can that be?). What about CHEAP hard-disk upgrades? Any suggestions? With regard to the question about graphics editors: I found one called XPRESS on a FIDO BBS about a month ago. It looks to me like a first draft of Windows Paint for a Rainbow, but the accompanying docs claim that it is free for the taking. DRAW and COLOR-MAGIC are the only others I have seen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marty Zimmerman, Univ of Idaho, Moscow, ID USA <MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1987 09:09 PAC From: Marty Zimmerman <MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET> Subject: Misc Rainbow graphics stuff To: <INFO-DEC-MICRO@ANDREW.CMU.EDU> ======================================================================== I think I've asked some of these questions before, but now that it seems there are more people paying attention, I'll try again: 1) I have a copy of MACPIX (Rainbow program to display Mac graphics), but it only reads the Mac files that were supplied with it. It chokes on any other Mac pictures that I pick up from BBS's. Could someone with some Mac experience explain to me what the file format difference is? Is there any way I can display the "other" Mac format with MACPIX? 2) I also have a copy of XPRESS. Does anyone know if this will work with a serial mouse? It looks like that would be the best way to use it, but I don't want to shell out for a mouse until I'm sure. Thanks in advance for any info! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marty Zimmerman, Univ of Idaho, Moscow, ID USA <MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1987 11:37 PAC From: Marty Zimmerman <MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET> Subject: software list To: <INFO-DEC-MICRO@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU> ======================================================================== I am interested in compiling (and perhaps maintaining) a list of *good* Rainbow shareware and PD-software. Unless there are objections, I'll post a preliminary version to the net in the next week or so. After everyone has a chance to look at it, I will add any updates that come my way and make it available to anyone who requests it. Since I'm on BITNET, those requests will have to be in the form of Email, but I may be able to move over to an ARPA address in the near future. Rainbow BBS numbers would also be welcome on the list. I'll include any good ones that I know of on the initial list. Does this sound reasonable? Interesting, even? Please keep in mind that I am NOT offering to supply all the software, just the list 8-). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marty Zimmerman, Univ of Idaho, Moscow, ID USA <MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1987 08:34 PAC From: Marty Zimmerman <MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET> Subject: Rainbow Moria To: <INFO-DEC-MICRO@ANDREW.CMU.EDU> ======================================================================== I lost the name of the person interested in a Rainbow version of Moria, but I thought I'd mention that Moria runs fine under CodeBlue - the PC-DOS emulator from Intersecting Concepts. I run it from the B: drive (with MORIA.EXE on the A: drive) and use the E: drive for scratch space: E> b:cb/v/f a:moria -r This set-up requires 768K of memory to be free, so no big RAM-disk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marty Zimmerman, Univ of Idaho, Moscow, ID USA <MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET>
iav1917@ritcv.UUCP (alan i. vymetalik) (12/02/87)
In article <8712010259.AA07157@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET writes: >Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1987 08:34 PAC >From: Marty Zimmerman <MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET> >Subject: Rainbow Moria >To: <INFO-DEC-MICRO@ANDREW.CMU.EDU> >======================================================================== >I lost the name of the person interested in a Rainbow version of Moria, >but I thought I'd mention that Moria runs fine under CodeBlue - the >PC-DOS emulator from Intersecting Concepts. I run it from the B: drive >(with MORIA.EXE on the A: drive) and use the E: drive for scratch space: Running PC Moria under CodeBlue is a fine solution. However, keep tuned to this newsgroup to hear about a Rainbow-native version! Rainbow MORIA from Prism Software Designs (originally created by Robert Alan Koeneke - credit given where credit is due) will, hopefully, soon be release as a free and public domain game. The main difference between it and PC Moria is in the area of optimiza- tion and some new features that take advantage of the Rainbow's features: function keys, high-speed video, etc. I am hoping to post it sometime in January 1988. There are still a few bugs and things to clear up. Alan Alan I. Vymetalik @ {allegra,seismo}!rochester!ritcv!iav1917 ----------------------------------+---------------------------------- J.A.M, Inc. | Prism Software Designs 300 Main Street | 44 Arborwood Crescent East Rochester, New York, 14445 | Rochester, New York, 14615-3807 | 1-716-458-4932 ----------------------------------+---------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The above statements and opinions belong to the author. Any resemblence to statements found in actual reality is purely coin- cidental. And, as always, the above opinions have absolutely nothing to do with the little, fat man putting $100 bills in my pocket. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Moria will be that it's optimized for the Rainbow.
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1987 08:46 PAC From: Marty Zimmerman <MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET> Subject: Rainbow C Compilers To: <INFO-DEC-MICRO@ANDREW.CMU.EDU> ======================================================================== With regard to C compilers on the Rainbow: Borland's Turbo-C runs fine on the DEC, if the command line version is used (TCC). The integrated environment will not run without CodeBlue, and even then it only runs with difficulty (same for Turbo Prolog and probably Turbo Basic). Mark Williams' Let's-C will also work on the Rainbow, but it is not up to the speed of Turbo-C.
============================================================================== Date: Thursday 2 Jun 1988 07:44:36 To: Info-Dec-Micro <> Subj: Compilers for the Rainbow From: Marty Zimmerman <MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET> John D. Proctor <proctor!jdp!> asked about compilers: I just read the query about FORTRAN and C compilers in the Info-Dec-Micro digest. The command-line version of Borland's Turbo C works fine on the Rainbow. None of the graphics libraries work, of course, but I found that they were easy to avoid for most programming tasks. Microsoft FORTRAN will also work on the Rainbow, but I don't have any experience with any of their competition. One thing I know for sure: Microsoft FORTRAN is very slow to compile and link. Both are probably only available on IBM-format, double- sided diskettes. The newest version of FORTRAN comes with Code-View, which will probably not work on the Rainbow. Marty Zimmerman University of Idaho Disclaimer: I'm not trying to sell any of the above products, and I am certainly not selling Rainbows: I just use mine as a paper-weight on the desk where I keep my PC-Clone. There would be a smiley face here if it wasn't such an EXPENSIVE paper-weight! :-(
Date: 3 August 1988, 13:25:50 EST From: Theodore A. Morris 513-475-3907 IMSGTAM at UCCCVM1 To: INFO-DEC-MICRO at GSB-HOW.STANFORD.EDU Please unsubscribe. Thanks for all your help in the past--I am no longer working ina position where I support DEC micros.
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 1988 08:21 PAC From: Marty Zimmerman <MARTYZ@IDUI1> Subject: UUE progs for CMS To: <> This is mainly a reply to George A. Theall, but I figured some others might be interested as well. There is a program called ARCUTIL that allows UUENCODING and UUDECODING of files on systems running VM/CMS. There are options to allow for most of the problems caused by EBCDIC/ ASCII translation. ARC and SQ formats are also supported (it will decode these only; not encode them). If anybody wants a copy, contact me directly. I can't promise that I have the newest version, but I'll try to check on that before I get any requests. Marty Zimmerman <MARTYZ@IDUI1.BITNET>