[comp.sys.dec.micro] posting files

OBRIEN%OBRIEN@VENUS.YCC.YALE.EDU ("James A. O'Brien 432-4382", 203) (09/21/88)

Add my vote also to those in favour of posting files directly to the net.

I've posted stuff which met, it seems, with much approval.  If the net can
handle the traffic (the only caveat, in my opinion), it's an easy job to delete
mail messages one doesn't need!  Also, it seems that file postings have
been a very useful way of flushing out people who are still on the list,
but don't want to be!

Any other opinions?

                                Jim O'Brien
				Department of Chemical Engineering
				Yale University
				2159 Yale Station
				New Haven, CT 06520, U.S.A.
				+1 203 432 4382 (days)
				+1 203 322 7222 (eves)
Return Addresses (both equivalent):
                |--+-| |--+-| |-------+--------|
                   |      |           |
                   |      |           +--------| host network address
                   |      +--------| microvax node name
                   +---------| userid on microvax       

hart@TAURUS.BITNET (09/22/88)


Add my vote for posting files!  If you don't care about these -- perhaps you
are on the wrong list ?

           -Sergiu Hart
     MAIL:      School of Mathematical Sciences
                Tel-Aviv University
                69978  Tel-Aviv,  Israel
     E-MAIL:    hart@taurus.bitnet,    hart@math.tau.ac.il,