[comp.sys.dec.micro] Backup and list of files

GTHEALL@PENNDRLN.BITNET (George A. Theall) (09/26/88)

  Use '@' (0x40 ASCII) to tell BACKUP to read from a list of files.
BTW: I believe that the BACKUP utility from PC-DOS 2.00 will also
work on the Rainbow. It's advantage is that it can handle more than
300 files at a time.

  Don't know about pd alternatives to BACKUP per se. What I have devised
is a way of using PKPAK (aka PKARC v3.61) to archive files in each
subdirectory. With a BAT file and MAKE I've pretty much automated the
procedure. In this way I've backin up my hard disk without using an
excessive number of disks. With PKPAK you can specify a list of files
or have it work only on files whose archive bit is set (or is it reset?).
More importantly, since the process is fairly automated, I'm more likely
to back up my hard disk than if I had to use BACKUP/RESTORE. Some backups
are better than none, right?


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                        - Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Essays", 1841