ERIK@MAX.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU ("Erik A. Abers") (10/20/88)
A few weeks ago, asked me to mail him information about 'Glacier Peak Rainbow BBS'; for some reason my mail couldn't reach him. Therefore, I am posting a more general 'answer' to the entire list. I think others would be interested as well! Following my signature is a fairly up-to-date listing of Rainbow BBS's... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -- Erik A. Abers -- 501 North 36th Street; #167 -- University of Washington -- Seattle, WA 98103-8613; USA -> Address #1: Erik@Max.ACS.Washington.Edu -> Alternates: Substitute -> Address #2: Erik@Blake.ACS.Washington.Edu "8250480" for "Erik" in -> Address #3: Erik@UWaCDC.ACS.Washington.Edu these addresses. -> Address #4: EA@Grace.CS.Washington.Edu -> Telephone: (206) 632-2775 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DECBBS.LST Revision 1.8 August 04th, 1988 National list of DEC-related BBS Systems. All nodes below are in the National Nodelist as of the above posted date. Some nodes may not be operational. This list sorted by Area Code. DEC-related means the board carries at least an interest in DEC products, be it VAX, Rainbow, PDP-11, etc. Legend: * =9600 baud, + =2400 baud, % =1200 baud, - =300 baud ! =Carries either VAX, RAINBOW, or PDP-11 EchoMail Areas. & =Has Host or Hub Distribution Capabilities for VAX, RB or PDP-11 Send corrections, additions, deletions direct to 102/138, Long_Island RB. Please do not enter your corrections in Echomail as they may get missed. -Net/Node- -Board Name- -Phone number- -City,State- -Sysop- 141 491 Naugy Net 203-729-7569*!& Naugatuck_____CT Vince Perriello 017 17 North West 206-581-7003+ Tacoma________WA Rob Barker 343 3 Glacier Peak RB 206-644-8431+! Bellevue______WA Gary Stebbins 132 225 SeaCoast OPUS 207-439-9367+ Kittery_______ME Bill Thomas 010 613 Rainbo Works 209-832-1002% Manteca_______CA Andre Coltrin 102 521 Rainbow West 213-305-8303+! Los Angeles___CA Jay Rosenberg 102 138 Long_Island_RB 213-370-4113*!& Los Angeles___CA George Dahlco 102 139 Beach City RB 213-376-9567*!& Redondo Beach_CA Dan Cannon 102 522 MicroSource 213-391-1351+! Mar Vista_____CA Don Barcus 102 442 Pokey's Paddock 213-549-2345*! Long Beach____CA John Adams 102 347 King James II 213-618-8454*! Torrance______CA Glenn Bowes 124 10 Big D Fido 214-392-1121+ Dallas________TX Dennis Forcier 261 662 Avi-Technic 301-252-0717*! Lutherville___MD Tom Hendricks 109 657 The Country Store301-261-4563+ Davidsonville_MD Pat McDonald 261 659 Loyola College 301-532-5117+! Baltimore_____MD John Sottile 261 204 Berkshire Board 301-574-1984*! Essex_________MD Bill Kraski 261 1008 SyncPoint BBS 301-682-2731+! Baltimore_____MD Bob Gawryck 261 670 Yoda's Domain 301-766-0501+! Glen Burnie___MD Jim Wolfe 100 22 PCLUG 314-576-2743+! St_ Louis_____MO Ken Kaplan 100 16 Mike's Board 314-726-3448+ St_ Louis_____MO Mike Mellinger 260 223 Hitch HikersGuide315-589-7361+! Williamson____NY Fritz Howard 201 5 Access Violation 317-495-4305*! West LafayetteIN Scott Goehring 014 610 Omaha Fido 402-348-7603% Omaha_________NE Jim Singer 143 24 NUG Board 408-978-5667+! San Jose______CA Bill MacAllister 129 384 PITT-BULL 412-257-2375+! Pittsburgh____PA Jim Lynn 129 15 DEC-User 412-469-2468%!& Pleasnt Hills_PA John Vukovic 129 38 SYS$OUTPUT BBS 412-854-0511%! Library_______PA Kevin Barkes 154 600 Far->Pointer->DEC414-962-9425+! Milwaukee_____WI John Spiegel 14 627 Fog Line 515-964-7937*! Ankeny________IA Dan Buda 018 13 TABS Fido 601-634-2365%! Vicksburg_____MS Don Bach 361 1 TabsNet RB 601-634-2365%! Vicksburg_____MS Don Bach 015 1002 UofA CAG 602-621-2097% Tucson________AZ Robert MacArthur 114 3 Genoa City 602-945-0869*! Tempe_________AZ Duke Clark 114 3 Rainbow BBS 602-952-8520% Phoenix_______AZ Jim Koshner 114 13 Corwin's Keep 602-894-1470+! Tempe_________AZ Paul Coppinger 114 18 Iasd_End BBS 602-863-5088+! Phoenix_______AZ John Valentyn 114 19 PUHSD_OPUS_BBS 602-921-2438%! Tempe_________AZ Rick Southard 132 777 VAXCat 603-424-0923+!& Merrimack_____NH Mark Buda 132 119 Cuckoo's Nest 603-880-1658*! Hudson________NH Gordon Green 132 615 Wizard's Castle 603-883-1596+ Windham_______NH Paul Gilberti 132 107 M'Cycle Bytes 603-889-3366+! Amherst_______NH Robert Nilson 101 45 Midnite DEC 617-332-7096+!& Newton________MA David Strickler 101 433 IBM Tech Fido 617-433-8452*! Pepperell_____MA Steve Ahola 101 14 WayStar 617-481-7147+! Marlboro______MA Kevin Porter 101 115 Rainbows Edge 617-551-0495*! Westwood______MA Jim Greeley 101 111 Island Logistics 617-631-3304+! Marblehead____MA Mark Bornstein 101 27 Dave's Fido 617-632-1861+! Gardner_______MA David Rene 109 483 The Pot of Gold 703-359-6549+! Fairfax_______VA Kurt Reisler 109 74 The Bear's Den 703-671-0598+! Falls Church__VA Kurt Reisler 106 503 Over The Rainbow 713-493-7483+! Houston_______TX John Lellis 260 10 Med TechNet 716-897-0504+! Buffalo_______NY Bill Hliwa 372 2 Keep It Simple 803-763-7235+!& Charleston____SC Ed Ridpath 102 3131 Lancaster TBBS 805-948-8047+! Lancaster_____CA Tracy Huston 371 13 EGGNET 813-939-3394*! Ft. Meyers____FL Dave Corthell 102 931 Joe's BBS 818-768-2145*! Sun Valley____CA Joe Streiff 161 34 Now and Zen OPUS 916-962-1952+! Fair Oaks_____CA John Lamb NOTES: . 9600 baud typically implies operation also at 2400, 1200 and 300 baud. . 2400 baud typically implies operation also at 1200 and 300 baud. . All above boards not recently verified; if they exist in the Fido National Nodelist we assume they are in operation. . EchoMail carriers have message bases in which a message entered on that particular board in certain message areas is moved between several or many other boards carrying the same EchoMail Conference. Messages are typically not private, and therefore are seen by many other users. The user is cautioned about this feature of EchoMail. . No responsibility is assummed for any of the above information; all information is in the Public Domain as of this writing and therefore available free to anyone who wishes it. No copyright, trademark, rights or authority is imposed or infringed upon by, on, or in this document and no responsibility is assummed for it's distribution. Distribution, updates, and corrections are encouraged, however. . DEC is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.