[comp.sys.dec.micro] WordPerfect v4.2

rl1b+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU ("Robert A. Locke") (12/01/88)

Does anybody out there use WordPerfect 4.2 on the Rainbow, and if so,
have you ever tried to use any of the following commands using the
VAX/VMS template: Margin Release, Minus Sign, or Hard Space.

If you have, and you have had no problem with them, could you please
send me some mail with the revision date of your WP.EXE file?  Mine
is 4/17/87.  I have reported the problemm to WordPerect Corp and they
are hopefully looking into it.

If anyone has been having the same problem, could you send me some
mail with your name.  If it is not just me then I can prove to
WordPerfect that it is not just me that is having the problem.

