(Steven Sietz) (01/14/89)
I've been reading a few snippets lately about DEC putting out a line of PCs (not again?). I haven't heard any details on it and was wondering whether anybody else knows anything about it. Is it going to be compatable with IBM? DEC Rainbow? Anything? Supposedly, Tandy is in charge of assembly... Any gossip? -Steve- -- Steven Sietz |Laboratory of Computer Science Research UNIX Operations Rutgers University |ARPA or RPO 1174 PO Box 5063 |uucp {rutgers,njin}!!ssietz New Brunswick, NJ 08903| (Charles Reader) (01/15/89)
According to our local DEC salesman the new PC products are just the standard Tandy offerings with the DEC label on the front. The model numbers of the machines, if you were to go to Radio Shack, are the Tandy 3000, 4000 and 4000LX.