[comp.sys.dec.micro] Some Rainbow tips

hart@TAURUS.BITNET (03/26/89)


A few remarks that I hope may benefit some Rainbow users:

1.  If you run CodeBlue /v you need 768k;  so, if you are using
SwitchIt, you have to unload it first, etc., right ? -- WRONG!
It turns out that it runs in the first partition, even if it is
smaller than 768k!  Moreover, you may even have a RAM disk
(a.k.a. Mdrive) that leaves less than 768k!  (For instance, I
have 896k, divided into a 256k Mdrive and two partitions, the
second one of 210k;  I can still run CodeBlue /v without problems
in the first partition).

2.  Some programs may not run under CodeBlue due to various "IN"
and/or "OUT" instructions embedded into the program.  For
instance, I NOP-ed a couple of IN/OUT 42/43 instructions in a
program that would occasionally freeze -- and now it works

3.  From the latest IRUG's Rainbow News (Vol.5, Nos. 7-9):  The
bug in MS-DOS discovered by Willett Kempton (p.32) did manifest
itself in one instance:  When running WSSI (version 3.22R) in one
partition and switching to the other, the data on the screen
would be unreadable.  The patch really fixed this.

4.  Following is a patch for FastVu version 1.03 that fixes two
problems when the program exits:  (i) the screen continues
sometimes to scroll as if "Return" was continuously pressed;
(ii) the state of Break is set to Off (regardless of what it was
initially).  The way to correct (i) was suggested by the author,
Dan Pleasant.

F1 = Original     FV.EXE    21408   1/05/86 Sun 22:15:22
F2 = New

00000206   CD   90 --
00000207   21   90   \
000005EF   33   06   |
000005F0   B0   B2   |
000005F1   01   20   |
000005F2   8A   CD   |
000005F3   D0   21   |--- for (ii) (restore Break to original state)
000005F4   CD   58   |
000005F5   33   B4   |
000005F6   58   4C   |
000005F7   B4   CD   |
000005F8   4C   21   /
000005FA   21   20 --
00000901   00   90 ------ for (i)
00000902   10   0F --/

5.  Finally, some help needed.  Can someone e-mail me (or, better
yet, post) the following:
    BOOT (I understand there is a new version)
    WPTOOLS (Kempton's addition to Rainbow WordPerfect)

Incidentally, why not reinstate the nice program postings that we
enjoyed in the past ?

           --Sergiu Hart--
     MAIL:      School of Mathematical Sciences
                Tel-Aviv University
                69978  Tel-Aviv,  Israel
     E-MAIL:    hart@taurus.bitnet,    hart@math.tau.ac.il,