[comp.sys.dec.micro] Net links

macmillm@ewc.bitnet (10/02/89)

In a previous message, George A. Theall <GTHEALL@PENNDRLS.UPENN.EDU>

>  Since stumbling across this group 2 years ago, I've faithfully
> followed news about the Rainbow community here. I've always known
> about similar Rainbow followings on Fidonet and Compuserve, but
> until recently never had access to either one. Now though a local
> bbs is carrying the Rainbow Echo from Fidonet.  Always one to
> promote Rainbows, I'd like to propose that we relay messages
> between the two nets in much the same way that messages are
> currently relayed between INFO-DEC-MICRO and comp.sys.dec.micro.
> . . . .

>  So, what say you all? Does anyone have any outright objections
> to this?  I'm willing to gateway the messages between IDM/csdm
> on one hand and Fidonet on the other. . . .

> George  (eagerly awaiting your opinions) Theall
> ---
> BITNET: GTHEALL@PennDRLS               Dept. of Economics
> Internet: GTHEALL@PennDRLS.UPenn.Edu   University of Pennsylvania
> AT+TNet: 215-898-3419                  Philadelphia, PA   19104-3987

I, for one, am all for it.  I have been a regular visitor to the CIS
DECPC forum for several years and have found it a great source of
information and assistance.  On the other hand, I have long since lost
touch with the Fido world and would welcome having access to material
from that source through this medium.

Michael E. Macmillan
CompuServe: 74206,577
Bitnet    : macmillm@ewc
GEnie     : macmillan
UUCP      : {nosc!humu}{uhccux}{vortex}!islenet!mmac