[comp.sys.dec.micro] remove from mailing list

BUSSARD@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA (12/13/87)

Please remove me from the mailing list. I no longer support or have any DEC 
micros around.

		Thank You,
		Lewis Bussard

desmond@COD.NOSC.MIL (J. Desmond) (01/25/88)

Please remove me from the mailing list.  Thank you.
-John M. Desmond

gabin@homxc.UUCP (Jay Gabin +1 201 615 2830) (10/12/89)

Please remove me from the DEC mailing list.


Jay Gabin

P.S.  If you are not the right person to tell, can you tell
me who is?  Thanks