[comp.sys.dec.micro] C Compilers for Rainbow 100A


Hello All...

	This is my first time posting to the net, so flames on low please... 
I recently acquired a Rainbow 100A with 5 meg HD and 256K RAM. What
C compilers are there out there that I can use without Code Blue/896K RAM/
DOS 3.1  set up that everyone seems to have ? I have Turbo C 1.5 but I
understand that only works with the above setup, and even then with problems.
I have DOS 2.11 currently. Are there advantages to upgrading to Turbo C
2.0 from a Rainbow Standpoint ??  Any help is greatly appreciated...

	joe connorton 
 joe connorton                        |  Bitnet: CONNORTON@UORHBV
 DATATOP Coordination Center          |                    
 University of Rochester              |                              
 1325 Mt. Hope Avenue                 |  Disclaimer: my employer thinks my    
 Rochester, NY 14620  		      |  opinions are silly...why break a     
 (716) 275-0558                       |  perfectly good precedent ?

karsten@decatl.dec.com (Jim Karsten) (01/06/90)

	MIX software in Richardson, Texas 
	Made a C compiler called Mix C that was full K&R 1
	complient. It sold for 19.95 back in 1987. It does
	have some IBM special functions that you can't use
	but other than that it works great on the rainbow.
	I have used on the rainbow 1000 for 2 years now with
	no problems. There book on the compiler is great it
	by it's self is worth the 19.95. There Phone number
	is 214-783-6001. 

 Hope this is of some help

Jim Karsten
Digital Equipment Corporation
Karsten@decatl.alf.dec.com or Karsten@decatl.dec.com or Karsten%decatl@decwrl.dec.com
"Disclaimer, Opinions expressed here are mine and not those of my