[comp.sys.dec.micro] ERRATIC RAINBOWS


	I've seen the problem reported on both my Rainbows, which I
picked up for $ 50 each at a school district surplus equipment action
about three years ago.  Neither of them worked at the time I purchased
them, which is why I got them at such a good price.  The oxidation I
found, though, was primarily on the PROM pins.  I popped them out,
attacked them with Q-tips and rubbing alcohol, and presto: two working
Rainbows.  One note about the environment: the school district in
question was in Redwood City, California, which is right on San Francisco
Bay.  Behind the parking lot was a brackish marsh, and there was a
greater than normal amount of rust to be found in the area.


Henry W. Miller
Assistant Systems Manager, Mid Pacific Region
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
2800 Cottage Way MP1100
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 978-5108 / FTS 460-5108
Inet:	"sanj!sacwms!henrym@caldwr.water.ca.gov"	(Vaxcluster)
BITNET:	"hmiller@scu"	!Warning: This is NOT the same machine
			as the above cluster.
UUCP:	"...caldwr!sanj!henrym"

"Bad guys abuse public land, good guys save it."