[comp.sys.dec.micro] More on adding ST-225 to Rainbow

cbmira01@ULKYVX.BITNET (03/14/90)

My boss, Paul, is having exactly the same trouble as Chaim Dworkin,
with adding a SeaGate ST-225 hard drive to his Rainbow 100+.

Paul is only seeing 10Mb, even though the drive itself is a 20Mb!

Would some knowledgeable person please post the answer to this riddle?!
To Chaim:  if we learn something, we'll send you a note.. Would you
send us anything you learn??


Cal Miracle, University of Louisville, Library Systems

bcw@rti.rti.org (Bruce Wright) (03/26/90)

In article <7cbmira01@ULKYVX.bitnet>, cbmira01@ULKYVX.BITNET writes:
> My boss, Paul, is having exactly the same trouble as Chaim Dworkin,
> with adding a SeaGate ST-225 hard drive to his Rainbow 100+.
> Paul is only seeing 10Mb, even though the drive itself is a 20Mb!
> Would some knowledgeable person please post the answer to this riddle?!
> To Chaim:  if we learn something, we'll send you a note.. Would you
> send us anything you learn??

This is almost certainly because you are using one of the older
format programs that didn't expect to ever see a hard drive larger
than 10 MB.  Several newer ones exist - such as WUTIL - that allow
you to format larger disks.  The Rainbow can support any drive with
an ST506 interface that PC can, but some of the early hard disk 
software was sufficiently brain-damaged that it doesn't know how to 
deal with the larger drives.

The more important question is, why are you using a Seagate ST-225?
Our experience has shown this to be one of the most unreliable drives
manufactured - whether it's in a Rainbow or a PC.  Even the other
Seagate drives are better (like the ST-251).  

						Bruce C. Wright