[comp.sys.dec.micro] Windows 3.0

OBRIEN%OBRIEN@VENUS.YCC.YALE.EDU ("James A. O'Brien 432-4382", 203) (05/25/90)

There's life in the old Rainbow yet!  

First of all, if you have any PC-type machinery, you ought to check out Windows
3.0 - it's nothing short of amazing!  With full availability of all extended
memory on 286 and 386 machines, it allows much faster performance with big

Secondly, I have heard from Len Berk (who developed the Rainbow Adaptation Kit
for Windows 2.11 for the Rainbow) that Windows 3.0 for the Rainbow is not too
far off.  He can't say yet when it'll be ready as Microsoft has not yet
provided him with the final version of the developers software.  Windows 3.0
requires at least 1Mb on a PC (640k base plus some extended memory).  However,
a fully loaded (896k) Rainbow ought to be usable.  Len says the Rainbow version
should be feasible, "barring unforeseen compatibility snags".  Stay tuned! 
I'll post again as soon as I have more information on the subject.

Incidentally, even Windows 2.11 is a pretty impressive program on the Rainbow,
again due to the large amount of available memory.  Remember, any Windows
application will run on any machine running Windows, so the compatibility
issues go away.  I use it regularly, mostly writing Windows applications in
Actor, an object-oriented development system;  the code runs equally well on my
AT or my Rainbow under Windows.  For the record, Actor 2.0 (version 3.0 is due
to ship in a couple of weeks) will run fine under Windows 3.0.

OBRIEN%OBRIEN@YALEVMS                Jim O'Brien, Dept. of Chem. Engrg.
OBRIEN@YALEVMS                       2159 YS, New Haven CT 06520, U.S.A.
OBRIEN@VENUS.YCC.YALE.EDU            +1 203 432 4382 (days)
>INTERNET:OBRIEN@VENUS.YCC.YALE.EDU  (from Compuserve Easyplex)