(William Thomas Daugustine) (11/07/90)
This is getting annoying... Im posting to here under two different accounts... Anyways. Can anyone out there tell me how to get data from a P/OS formatted disk to an RT-11 disk? I need to do this under P/OS. I know there is a util to read ODS-1 disks under RT-11, but I need it the other way around:-) Unless of course, someone could supply me with the SOURCE for the utility to read ODS-1 under RT. I dont have RT Kermit, but I do have P/OS (RSX) Kermit, which is why this question comes up... Billy D'Augustine (11/07/90)
I put the mod to FLX to let it write RT11 RX50's onto RSX sig tapes some time back. Also the Unisig tape circa 1987 had source for the readrsx routine which would read ODS-1. This source is in C. I've not been able to distribute the full P/OS FLX since the bulk of it is DEC code, but asking around your friendly LUG might flush out someone with an RSX kit who can get it built. Glenn Everhart (William Thomas Daugustine) (11/11/90)
Or perhaps someone can supply me with Kermit for RT-11? This way I can download directly to RT-11:-) Billy D'Augustine