(Jason Gabler) (12/18/90)
Awhile back someone posted a few notes about wanting to get a BBS running on their Rainbow. Now, I'd like to do the same. If the person who is now (?) running the BBS still around could tell me which one he/she is using or the people who advised that person could tell me which they recommended, I would much appreciate it. BTW - If people want I can post a summary if people decide to respond privately. Thanx in Advance, jase
perry@MCL.UNISYS.COM (Dennis Perry) (12/19/90)
POT-O-GOLD in Northern VA is running FIDO on a rainbow. dennis (William Hliwa) (12/19/90)
In article <>, (Jason Gabler) writes... > > Awhile back someone posted a few notes about wanting to get a BBS >running on their Rainbow. Now, I'd like to do the same. We ran a BBS on a DEC Rainbow for several years, and just moved it to an IBM several months ago. We started out with Fido, but ended up (over the last couple years) running BinkleyTerm as a frontend to OPUS. You could run OPUS all by itself for the BBS and mail, but we preferred mail being handled by Binkley due to better performance with the HST modem. Under OPUS, the best we saw was around 1000 CPS; with Binkley, over 1100 CPS. In either case, both work flawlessly and reliably on the Rainbow. We decided to move it to an IBM system mostly because of the array of supporting utilities that will not run on an RB (even under code blue).