[comp.sys.dec.micro] Tek terminal emulation for Rainbows

schwartz@aries.scs.uiuc.edu (Dwight Schwartz) (02/19/91)

	Does anyone know of a program which emulates tek 40xx or 41xx graphics 
terminals on a Rainbow.  Can the monochrome video monitor work with such
programs?  If I were to try to write such a program, what are some good
references for doing graphics programming with the monochrome graphics monitor
on the Rainbow?
	Thanks in advance for your help.

Dwight A. Schwartz ______--_-____--________------___--_-_-_-_-_----------__
University of Illinois Department of Chemistry | 402 E. Michigan, Apt. 3
Box 10-1 Noyes Laboratory                      | Urbana, IL   61801
505 S. Mathews Ave.                            | 217-328-4823
Urbana, IL   61801                             |  
217-333-7605                      _____________|___________________________
    333-3004                      |Earth's crammed with Heaven,
internet: schwartz@b.scs.uiuc.edu |And Every common bush afire with God;
bitnet:   schwartz@uiucscs        |But only he who sees takes off his shoes.
                                  |The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.
                                  |             --- Elizabeth Barrett Browning