[comp.sys.dec.micro] HELP - RD53 bad sectors during format

MARK@ASNGAT.ASN.NET ("Mark Preston") (03/08/91)


I have a major problem. I have an Rainbow 100b with a
10MB disk. I have been given an rd53 and want to put
it in my rainbow. Since I couldn't use the original
cable (connects are resessed too far), I built a
cable. I then cranked up WUTIL V3.2 (using MS-DOS V3.1)
and tried to initialize/format the drive. I have over
20,000 bad sectors. There seem to be two sections of the
disk that do not report bad sectors.

I thought that I crossed some wires on the cable, so 
I tried the original 10MB disk with the cable I build
without any problems. The rd53 was working fine when
it was deinstalled from an VAX. What do I try now?
Is there something wrong with WUTIL, or am I doing
something dumb?

 Mark Preston, VAX System Manager  mark@asngat.asn.net (internet)
 Alabama Supercomputer Center      mark@uahvax1         (bitnet)
 Huntsville, AL  35806             mark@asnuab          (bitnet)
 (205) 971-7430                    7786::mark            (SPAN)

MARK@ASNGAT.ASN.NET ("Mark Preston") (03/09/91)

My first posting seems to have been lost somewhere.

I have a major problem. I have an Rainbow 100b with a
10MB disk. I have been given an rd53 and want to put
it in my rainbow. Since I couldn't use the original
cable (connects are resessed too far), I built a
cable. I then cranked up WUTIL V3.2 (using MS-DOS V3.1)
and tried to initialize/format the drive. I have over
20,000 bad sectors. There seem to be two sections of the
disk that do not report bad sectors.

I thought that I crossed some wires on the cable, so 
I tried the original 10MB disk with the cable I build
without any problems. The rd53 was working fine when
it was deinstalled from an VAX. What do I try now?
Is there something wrong with WUTIL, or am I doing
something dumb?


 Mark Preston, VAX System Manager  mark@asngat.asn.net (internet)
 Alabama Supercomputer Center      mark@uahvax1         (bitnet)
 Huntsville, AL  35806             mark@asnuab          (bitnet)
 (205) 971-7430                    7786::mark            (SPAN)