[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] kermit for ibm-rt

johnw@stud.uucp (John Wiederhold) (05/28/88)

Does anyone know of a version of Kermit for
the RT.  I just got my machine and plan on
running AIX, TeX, and Emacs,  for starters.
Recommendations for a good database system would 
also be appreciated.  Also does anyone have any
information on the IBM AIX/RT AT DOS simulator.

           -John Wiederhold

johnw@stud.stanford.edu      INTERNET
johnw%stud@stanford          BITNET

karish@denali.stanford.edu (Chuck Karish) (05/30/88)

In article <21901@labrea.STANFORD.EDU> johnw@stud.stanford.edu (John Wiederhold) writes:
>Does anyone know of a version of Kermit for
>the RT.
	Standard C-kermit, compiled with the appropriate options, works
	fine.  You have to turn off the optimizer for one of the modules;
	I think it's ckutio.c.  If you want to be sure you have the
	latest version of kermit, get it by anonymous FTP from

>Also does anyone have any
>information on the IBM AIX/RT AT DOS simulator.
	It's not clear what you refer to here.  AIX for the RT comes with
	three user interfaces: the familiar U*ix command-line shells,
	a mouse-oriented setup called `Usability Services', and one
	called `DOS Services'.  DOS Services is just a DOS-like command
	interpreter; it doesn't provide any special services except the
	ability to read and write DOS floppies.

	IBM also makes (made?) an AT coprocessor card to run on the
	AT bus in RTs.  I've never seen the software that runs this,
	even though I have a card sitting in a desk drawer somewhere.
	I don't know whether it will run with the new-generation RTs.

	The coprocessor is an AT on a card.  I think it needs 16-bit
	memory on the AT bus, meaning that it doesn't necessarily
	share the RT memory.  You essentially have two separate
	computers sharing the same bus and peripherals, through
	mediation by the VRM.

Chuck Karish	ARPA:	karish@denali.stanford.edu
		BITNET:	karish%denali@forsythe.stanford.edu
		UUCP:	{decvax,hplabs!hpda}!mindcrf!karish
		USPS:	1825 California St. #5   Mountain View, CA 94041

crscott@sdrc.UUCP (Scott_Klosterman) (06/07/88)

In article <287@sdrc.UUCP>, crscott@sdrc.UUCP (Scott_Klosterman) writes:
>       I have seen Version 1.1 of IBM AIX/RT Personal Computer AT Simulator
>   and frankly I was not very impressed. Although one has the ability to
>   share devices such as printers and disks between AIX and DOS, it runs
>   slower than a XT and for applications such as wordprocessing it must
>   refresh the entire screen after each character. We ran Wordstar, Sidekick
>   MS Word 4.0 ok but programs which write directly to the display device
>   don't work. 

    Remember this?  Well I've been since filled in by a couple of
    totally rightous dudes up at the big house that the copy I saw
    was some prehistoric demo, NOT Version 1.1, and that we should
    expect nothing less than ambrosia when the REAL McCoy gets to the
    shelf. Another classic example of High Tech Foot In The Mouth
    Syndrome, that has been striking ever so frequently.