[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] CS/100 <---> IBM PC RT telnet problem.

francis@hslrswi.UUCP ( Francis Demierre) (06/14/88)

Hello, out there !

This is the first message I ever post to USENET, so, please, dont be too angry
if some keywords or usual stuff are missing, I still have to learn... :-)

I have installed, a few weeks ago, an IBM RT on our Internet network here
in HASLER company. I have also set up a Bridge CS/100 Terminal server.

RT operating system: AIX Vsn. 2.1.2
RT TCP/IP:           Vsn. 2.1.2
CS/100 TCP/IP:       Vsn. 12010

The Ethernet card on the RT has been installed and configured as follows:

      Slot Nb.                           : 6
      I/O port on adapter                : 0
      Interrupt level # of 1st interrupt : 9
      Num. of interrupt levels used      : 1
      1st level interrupt is shared      : false
      Service class of first interrupt   : 2
      First I/O port address             : ffff
      DMA support                        : false
      Length of buffers in buffer pool   : 2048
      Number of buffers in buffers pool  : 100
      Number of buffers on Device Rng    : 30
      Number of buffers on SLIH Rng      : 30
      Maximum number of attachable LLCs  : 3
The entry in /etc/net   file is:

      inetaddr =
      inetlen = 1576

I also configured some pty's with 'logger' and 'Automatic enable' set to 

Now, let's come to my problem:

a) When I connect to the RT from our Bridge CS/100 terminal server, the text
   comming from the RT comes by bursts of approxiamtely half a screen (not a 
   constant number of bytes) followed by a pause of about 7 seconds.
   The problem arise when I 'cat' some relatively big files, within 'vi',
   etc... ('relatively big' means over 500 bytes)

b) If I do not connect directly to the RT but rather first connect to a VAX
   GPX II we have here and then 'telnet' the RT and work from there, no
   problems at all.

c) In my attempt to find out what is happening, I eventually started the
   telnetd deamon (on the RT) with the debugging option '6' (Log all in-
   coming and out-going packets). As soon the deamon run with this option,
   I cannot see problems anymore. No more bursts, everything allright.
   (Except the /usr/tmp/telnet.log file growing like crasy  :-)   ).

d) I also tried to 'nice' the telnetd deamon to '-10'. It improved a bit
   but not as much as when the logging was on. ( You will perhaps think
   that it was a strange idea but it came from the point 'c)' above which
   made me think that everithing was better because the logging was slowing
   the things down...)

e) as soon something is typed in at the RT main console, the output to telnet
   get again a lot slower or even stops (This without nicing to -10 !).

f) Similar problems appear when I run 'ftp' on the VAX GPX II and try to get
   files from the PC RT.

Did anybody encounter the same kind of problem and found a solution ?

A bit of help will be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Please post your answers to francis@hslrswi.UUCP

sauer@d75.UUCP (Charlie Sauer) (07/16/88)

This is a known problem and should be fixed on the latest update diskette for
2.1.2.  You should refer to the "zero-window problem" in requesting the
Charlie Sauer   IBM AES/ESD, D18/802     uucp: ut-sally!ut-emx!ibmaus!sauer
                11400 Burnet Road       csnet: ibmaus!sauer@EMX.UTEXAS.EDU
                Austin, Texas 78758    aesnet: sauer@auschs  
                (512) 823-3692           vnet: SAUER at AUSVM6