[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] Is anyone running X.V11R3 on an RT?

dennis@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu (Dennis Ferguson) (12/19/88)

I would be interested in hearing from anyone who is actually
running X11 Release 3 on an RT running AOS 4.3.  I am particularly
interested in the apa16 server, though reports that other
displays work fine would help me figure out what isn't broken.

As delivered, X.V11R3 will compile and run (under the September
release of AOS 4.3, mostly compiled with hc 2.1d), but will do
very little else that is useful on an apa16.  I found that by compiling
server/ddx/ibm/apa16/apa16Text.c with hc's optimizer turned off
I could at least run xterm without core dumping the server.  I
haven't yet decided whether this is due to an optimizer bug or
a misplaced volatile declaration in the code.

There are still a number of glaring problems, however, mostly
affecting clients which are graphics-, rather than text-, oriented.
The most obvious symtoms are:

(1) Area fills don't work.  Attempting to do an area fill will
    cause some random horizontal lines to be drawn on the left
    edge of the display, but leave the area unfilled.  You can see
    this if you run xclock or xlogo.

(2) Running two clients which do animated graphics, say two copies
    of plaid, results in the clients dieing with protocol errors,
    leaving behind a clientless window or two.

Problems with the apa16 server are actually documented in the README
in the ibm directory, with an Email address to send to for patches.
Unfortunately, mail to that address is returned with a "User Unknown"
error.  I asked the support center about this but their position is
that X.V11R3 is unsupported by IBM, so screw off kid.

I may try to repair some of this on my own.  The big problems seem
to be limited the server, as the clients I have tried will run okay
with remote Vax and Sun servers.  It would be nice if someone out there
had already covered some of this ground, though.

Dennis (I'd rather have a Sun) Ferguson
University of Toronto

root@yale.UUCP (Celray Stalk) (12/20/88)

We have it running on an apa16 following advice posted to Comp.windows.X.
Compile the whole thing with hc1.4 rather than hc (2.x) with optimization
turned on.  Some modules will fail, in which case compile them with pcc
and the same command-line options.  By building it piecemeal like this
you can get a work (and working well) X11R3.

(you might rather have a Sun, but I'll keep my RT - X11R3 is really
 snappy on the thing.)


------------------------------------------    --------------------------------
Peter Baer Galvin       		      (203)432-1254
Senior Systems Programmer, Yale Univ. C.S.    galvin-peter@cs.yale.edu
51 Prospect St, P.O.Box 2158, Yale Station    ucbvax!decvax!yale!galvin-peter
New Haven, Ct   06457			      galvin-peter@yalecs.bitnet