[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] Need info on printer routing for the RT

wdh@holos0.UUCP (Weaver D. Hickerson) (06/02/89)

	Being somewhat new to the RT and TCP-IP world, I may be asking a very
	obvious and boring question, but if anyone has any answers or
	suggestions, they would be appreciated:

	Say someone has an RT which has connected to it a Micom Interlan
	NTS-100 terminal server (which has an IP address, built in Ethernet,
	and 8 serial ports).  This someone would like to be able to route
	specific lpr requests to one or more printers attached to ports on the
	NTS-100, routing through TCP-IP.  Essentially, what would be involved
	would be intercepting requests to, say "lp07", and making sure that
	anything sent to that printer actually prints out on port 03 of the
	terminal server.

	I apologize for my ignorance, but they want it yesterday and nothing in
	the documentation seems to point in this direction.  Can this be done 
	through simple lpr administration, or would some additional programming 
	be necessary to re-route the files??

	Once again, any info would be appreciated.  Please e-mail responses to
	me and I will post a summary if that seems appropriate.  


	Weaver Hickerson   *  ...!gatech!holos0!wdh  *       (404) 496-1358
    HOLOS Software, Inc., 3469 Lawrenceville Highway, Tucker  GA  30084
-Weaver Hickerson          
 Holos Software