[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] Sendmail

barron@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Daniel P. Barron) (07/31/89)

Hello, folks.

I am trying to get sendmail to work properly on my RT 6150/125 running AIX
2.2.whatever.the.latest.is.  Everyone seems to be able to reach me.  I am
on the internet and I get mail from all over the country.  Problem is I can't
reach about half of the people I try to send mail to.  The funny thing is I
can reach some people all over the country, but...

I get several different responses from the mailer using the -v option (verbose)
Often it's host unknown.  But I have TCP/IP running well and doing domain name
serving from my school's central computer.  I never have trouble resolving
host names for telnet and ftp.

Also, I get a mysterious error:

uux failed ( 11 )
...unknown mailer error 11

Does anyone know what's going on?  I have the most trouble reaching anyone
at ...att.com if that helps.  I think I have sendmail.cf set up right, if the
documentation can be trusted...what's wrong?  Any help would be appreciated.
My sneaking suspicion is that IBM left something out of the documentation on
sendmail.cf (it's happened before) but I'm not sure.

Does anyone have their mailer consistently doing mail all over the country
to all kinds of hosts?  What about bitnet addresses and addresses that are
bang-paths (!host1!host2!host3!etc.) or have %s in them?  If anyone has a
successful sendmail.cf they'd care to share I'd be grateful, but please
mail first so I don't get innundated.

Thanks is advance...


________________________________Daniel Barron__________________________________
______________________________________ ________________________________________
"There are four types of homicide:    | E-mail: barron@eniac.seas.upenn.edu
 felonious, excusable, justifiable    |         barron@wharton.upenn.edu
 and praiseworthy."  --Ambrose Bierce |         barron@dacth01.bitnet