[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] Update: Vote on Comp.unix.aix

fink@nucthy.physics.orst.edu (Paul fink) (08/10/89)

On August 1 there was a call for votes on forming a new group Comp.unix.aix.

    Comp.unix.aix is for the exchange of ideas, advice and general
    discussion of IBM's AIX Unix and its role in the Open Software

The voting so far is:
	  90 votes in favor. 5 votes against.

I have tried to send mail to everyone acknowledging their vote. I have
had some address problems but I will try to get to everyone. I will
also post a complete list later.

Voting will continue until the end of August. PLEASE, SEND IN YOUR
VOTE.  100 more yes votes than no votes are need to form a group.

Send your votes to fink@physics.orst.edu

Please clearly state ether;
    Yes, in favor of forming the group Comp.unix.aix.
    No, against forming the group.

         Paul J. Fink Jr.                    Internet:
         Oregon State University                fink@PHYSICS.ORST.EDU       
         Department of Physics               Phone:
         Corvallis, Oregon 97331                (503) 737-4631