[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] Three new PTFs for AIX

jw@pan.UUCP (Jamie Watson) (08/12/89)

In the past week, I have received three PTFs from IBM support:

- PTF 1745; Looks like a major update, 8 diskettes in all.  They sent
  it to me to fix a C compiler bug I had reported (%c in scanf() was
  skipping white space).  This PTF requires the VRM to be at level
  1705 or later.  Contains fixes for:

	Client Partial for sendmail   
	Usability Services Partial    
	INed Program
	IBM RT PC 3270 AIX Device Driver
	Accounting Support            
	Administrative Support        
	uucp, ct, cu Support          
	DOS Services                  
	Ethernet Data Link Control    
	IEEE 802.3 Data Link Control  
	Extended Programming Support  
	Graphics and Statistics Commands
	Advanced Display GSL          
	Message Handler (MH)          
	Multiprotocol Adapter Device Driver
	System Activity Recording     
	SCSI Device Driver            
	Source Code Control           
	SDLC Data Link Control        
	IBM RT PC 3278/79 DFT Device Driver
	IBM RT PC SCSI Device Driver
	Multiprotocol Adapter Device Driver
	IBM RT PC 3270 AIX Device Driver
	Token-Ring Data Link Control  
	vi Editor                     
	Base System Program           
	Usability Services Program

- PTF 1723; 3 diskettes, updates X to MIT V11R3 (almost)

	X-Windows 2.1
	X-Windows Examples 2.1

- PTF 1707; new VRM release.  I don't know what it was supposed to fix;
  unfortuantely, after loading this PTF my system wouldn't boot.  When
  I re-installed 1705, everything was ok again.  The IBM support people
  in Zuerich said they had the same problem.  We don't know yet if we
  just got a bad copy somehow, or if this is a bogus PTF.
