[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] SNA-Connection IBM-RT <-> OS/2

fozzy@edvvie.at (Fozzy C. Dressel) (10/20/89)

Hi everybody !

I try to connect a IBM-RT to a IBM-PS/2(running OS/2) using SNA over the
On both sides we typed in the sample-data from  the 
'AIX Communications Handbook'. By checking the validation both systems
mean all`s ok. 

state:	sna is active on the RT-side
	now begin to CALL the RTOS2A (RT-OS2-Attachment)
	and start the communication manager on the OS/2-side.
	OS/2 means: 
		Session limit negotiation failed on partner LU RTPCC
		mode RT: error type 0003-0000005.
we checked the data in the AIX C.H. - ok
   set the nodeaddress in the devices (RT, token0) and on the OS/2.

any idea ?
please let me know. (post oder Email me (fozzy@edvvie.at))
many thanks in advance and please excuse my english.

        Fozzy C. Dressel                LOCAL:  fozzy@eliza
        EDV Ges.m.b.H Vienna            USENET: fozzy@edvvie.at
        Hofmuehlgasse 3 - 5
        A-1060 Vienna, Austria/Europe   Tel: (0043) (222) 59907 (8-19 CET)