[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] RT-specific cpp Flag?

penneyj@servio.UUCP (D. Jason Penney) (10/26/89)

We have some code that is heavily ported (over half a dozen systems).  One
of our tricks is to recognize pre-defined preprocessor symbols and to use those
to indicate the given hardware/os platform that the code is running on.  A
few examples might suffice:

VMS -- DEC VAX/VMS (Note: SYS$GETSYI can subsequently return much more specific info)
sun -- Sun Microsystems
  mc68020 -- Sun-3
  sparc   -- Sun-4
  sun386  -- Sun 386i RoadRunner
ultrix -- DEC Ultrix
  mips -- DECstation
  vax  -- VAXstation
sony_news -- Sony NEWS workstation

... and so forth.  You get the idea.

The problem arises with AIX.  "AIX" will define the operating system
directly, but how do I distinguish 370, RT, and (soon to be available) RIOS

Please reply by e-mail, and I will post a summary if warranted.  Thanks
in advance.
D. Jason Penney                  Ph: (503) 629-8383
Beaverton, OR 97006              uucp: ...uunet!servio!penneyj
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