[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] Problems with PROGRESS 5.2-d under AIX 2.2.1

warsaw@pvi.UUCP (Jeffrey D. Warsaw) (04/03/90)

Greetings to all you PC gurus!  I am posting this request
for a friend of mine who does not have access to the net.

The hardware configuration is as follows:

IBM RT Model 135
16 mb internal memory
400 mb hard disk
Anvil 16 port serial board - 14 terminals, 2 printers

The software is as follows:

PROGRESS version 5.2-d
AIX version 2.2.1

The problems are as follows:

PROGRESS is the only software running on the machine
besides the OS.  The problems appear when the following 
tasks are performed under the guidance PROGRESS software.

1) Occasionally when text files are edited the text appears 
   as garbage (HEX) on the screen.  

2) Programs that have been compiled _prior_ to the current
   session run correctly during the current session but 
   programs that have been compiled _during_ the current session 
   do not.

3) Backup attempts fail with the following error messages:

   file system corrupted
   insufficient disk space
   mini-disk full

   The backup can be completed successfully by going into
   maintenance mode and performing a fsck to repair the
   file system.

Has anybody seen these problems before or had experience
with this type of configuration?  It has been suggested
that you can tune the BBX(?) and/or Bucket Flows to
resolve the problem.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I will be checking the net for responses but direct mailing
would be preferable.

Thanks in advance,
Jeffrey D. Warsaw