[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] VRM debugger via ASYNC

lam@polari.UUCP (Larry Morris) (05/03/90)

Has anyone out there run the VRM debugger using an async terminal
as the default display.  I need to debug a driver on a megapel system, 
and do not have access to a monochrome display.  The debugger manual
states that if an async terminal with appropriate communication 
parameters is found at boot time, the VRM debugger can use this as the
default display.  

I am trying to use an IBM3151, but cannot get the VRM to recognize this
device.  The debugger crashes the system as it cannot find a valid
display.  My SE has not been able to help, and the IBM support
people cannot find anyone who has actually done this.

Thanks in advance.

Larry Morris     lam@polari.uucp