[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] Need help with X-windowing fonts

acyoung@rodan.acs.syr.edu (young) (05/30/90)

	I am trying to get DXTerm running when I remotely log into a DECstation
	from my RT.  I am not very familiar with how all this fonts stuff 
	works so I am throwing it out to the net.  It appears that the required
	fonts just aren't found.

	My questions are:

	1.	who is looking for them?  The DecStation or my RT?
	2.	Does this have anything to do with converting VRM fonts to
		rtx format?  If so how do you figure out the conversion.
		The user guide (RT X-windows) doesn't do a great job at
		explaining how to convert vrm2rtx.
	3.	Do I need to have anything specific in my .Xdefaults file?

	Here is a log of what happens and what errors I get when I log into
	the DECStation and when I run dxterm.


login: aaron
Last login: Tue May 29 14:04:32 from sunrise.acs.syr.
Ultrix-32 V3.0 (Rev 64) UWS V2.0 System #7: Wed Mar 14 20:56:11 EST 1990

 Mail file-server requests to cfi-server@etg.ece.syr.edu

 SPICE3d1 and man pages are now installed.

Type ibm6154 unknown
  2:07pm  up 13 days,  5:40,  7 users,  load average: 0.36, 0.49, 0.49
Tue May 29 14:07:45 EDT 1990
etg.ece.syr.edu> csh
csh.Aaron> setenv DISPLAY huey-gw.case.syr.edu:0
csh.Aaron> dxterm
X Toolkit Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-MENU-MEDIUM-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO
8859-1" to type FontList, using fixed font
Can't find font -*-Terminal-*-*-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*
Can't find font -*-Terminal-*-*-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*
Can't find font -*-Terminal-Medium-*-Normal-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-1
X Protocol error detected by server: parameter not a Font
  Failed request major op code 56 X_ChangeGC
  Failed request minor op code 0 (if applicable)
  ResourceID 0xc15a5ed0 in failed request (if applicable)
  Serial number of failed request 76
  Current serial number in output stream 132

 I realize this means can't find fonts.  but, can anyone point me in the right
 direction?  I'd appreciate it.  Thanks.
