[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] gcc 1.37.1 for RT running 4.3BSD

jsin@grant.seas.ucla.edu (John Sin) (06/12/90)

Does any one have tm-*.h and xm-*.h files for IBM RT running 4.3 AOS?
If so, could you kindly send me a copy or tell me where to get it?

Also, does anyone archive comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt discussions?  I was under the
impression polya.stanford.edu did this, but it no longer seems to exist...

John Sin
John (Jonghoon) Sin       (Above opinions are my own and etc, etc, etc...)
UCLA SEASnet Facilities   InterNet: jsin@ee.ucla.edu
2567 Boelter Hall         UUCP: ...!(uunet,ucbvax,rutgers)!seas.ucla.edu!jsin
Los Angeles, CA. 90024    (213) 825-3556