[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] IBM/4.3 BoF at Anaheim USENIX

brunner@bullhead.uucp (06/13/90)

There will be a BoF for IBM/4.3 users at the Anaheim USENIX. Since I will
not get into Anaheim until Thursday evening, and since the USENIX association
does not schedule BoFs during the day (to avoid conflict with the technical
sessions), it will be during the noon break.

Check the usual "current events" announcement board at the conference site
on Friday morning for the location.

Eric Brunner, Consultant, IBM AWD Palo Alto	(415) 855-4486
inet: brunner@monet.berkeley.edu		opinions contained are mine
uucp: uunet!ibmsupt!brunner			not those of IBM