[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] how to find type mismatch problem with xlf on RS/6000

oliveria@caen.engin.umich.edu (ROQUE DONIZETE DE OLIVEIRA) (09/07/90)

This fortran compilation died due to a type mismatch of
one the arguments . The argument was a real array in the
calling program (RFFTF) but an integer array in the subroutine (RFFTF1).
I found this out only after deleting individual routines
until the error went away. This is not the way to go.
The compiler mentions a load.map file but can't find it.
Does anyone know how I can get the name of the routine and
line number where the type mismatch was first detected ?
Where is the load.map file ? Do I need more compiler options ?

judy% xlf -O -qextchk -c fftpack.f
** ezfftf   === End of Compilation 1 ===
** ezfftb   === End of Compilation 2 ===
** ......
** ......
** rfftf   === End of Compilation 43 ===
** rfftf1   === End of Compilation 44 ===
** radf2   === End of Compilation 45 ===
** radf3   === End of Compilation 46 ===
** radf4   === End of Compilation 47 ===
** radf5   === End of Compilation 48 ===
** radfg   === End of Compilation 49 ===
** pimach   === End of Compilation 50 ===
1501-510  Compilation successful for file fftpack.f.
0706-316 Error: Type mismatches detected. References dumped to load map.
mv: 0653-401 Cannot access load.map.

Thanks for any help.

    Roque Oliveira
    Computer Aided Engineering Network

RAH@IBM.COM ("Russell A. Heise") (10/10/90)

 oliveria@caen.engin.umich.edu (ROQUE DONIZETE DE OLIVEIRA) writes:

 > This fortran compilation died due to a type mismatch of
 > one the arguments . The argument was a real array in the
 > calling program (RFFTF) but an integer array in the subroutine (RFFTF1).
 > I found this out only after deleting individual routines
 > until the error went away. This is not the way to go.
 > The compiler mentions a load.map file but can't find it.
 > Does anyone know how I can get the name of the routine and
 > line number where the type mismatch was first detected ?
 > Where is the load.map file ? Do I need more compiler options ?
 > judy% xlf -O -qextchk -c fftpack.f
 > ** ezfftf   === End of Compilation 1 ===
 > ...
 > ** pimach   === End of Compilation 50 ===
 > 1501-510  Compilation successful for file fftpack.f.
 > 0706-316 Error: Type mismatches detected. References dumped to load map.
 > mv: 0653-401 Cannot access load.map.

 Yes, you can use the load.map file to figure out where the type mismatch
 was first detected.  By default, the compiler does not create a load.map
 file.  To tell it to, add the flag:
 where "load.map.name" is any file name.

Russ Heise, AIX Technical Support, IBM