[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] X/Y/Zmodem on a 6152

webb@ibmpa.awdpa.ibm.com (Bill Webb) (12/01/90)

In article <Fbumh6h3@cs.psu.edu>, robinson@dagorlad.endor.cs.psu.edu
(Andrew Robinson) writes:
|> I am having trouble using X/Y/Zmodem on an IBM 6152.  When I try to
download a
|> file from the 6152 to a PC using the 1k block mode, a CRC error
|> repetitively occurs on a certain block.  Some files do transfer ok,
but others
|> bleibit the CRC program.  Any help would be appreciated.
|>      -- Andy
|> robinson@endor.cs.psu.edu

If the program sending out the characters isn't putting the tty into
raw mode then its possible that certain characters (e.g. tabs, NL's,
EOT's) may be modified by the tty driver. This could cause the CRC's
to be wrong. I'd check the program and/or do an 'stty >/dev/ttyc0'
as root to make sure that the right modes are set.

The above views are my own, not necessarily those of my employer.
Bill Webb (IBM AWD Palo Alto), (415) 855-4457.
UUCP: ...!uunet!ibmsupt!webb INTERNET: webb@ibminet.awdpa.ibm.com

robinson@dagorlad.endor.cs.psu.edu (Andrew Robinson) (12/04/90)

I have tried using both the SZ program by Chuck Forsberg and the Xmodem
program by Steve Grandi, and the 1k mode doesn't work correctly using either
program.  As I mentioned in my earlier post, when I try to use the 1k mode,
the transfer program repetitively reports a CRC error on a certain block.
I am connecting to the 6152 using telnet -- I set telnet to 8 databits, no
parity, no flow control, and transparent mode.  As far as I can tell, the SZ
program does use raw mode.  Also, when I type 'sz -TT' to test transparency,
the mode 1 test works OK, but after that test is completed, SZ reports "caught
signal 99; exiting."  The 128 byte block mode appears to work ok.  Files which
cause the CRC error problem when using the 1k mode don't cause that problem
when transferred using 128 byte blocks (with CRC error checking).
The 6152's that I use run BSD 4.3 UN*X.  If you know how to correct the
problem, please let me know.  Thanks.

     -- Andy