[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] GNU emacs config files for the AIX 3.1

ron@woan (Ronald S. Woan) (12/20/90)

In article <1990Dec18.165043@Atherton.COM>, scottr@Atherton.COM (Scott
Rasmussen) writes:
Scott> Does anyone out there have GNU emacs config files for the
Scott> RS/6000?  I'm looking for the m-?.h and s-?.h files used in
Scott> configuring GNU.  Thanks,

I think consensus on the net has it that these requests should be made
in comp.unix.aix and leave comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt for IBM RT and AIX 2.2.1
questions... Anyway, patches and such for GNU EMACS on RISC
System/6000 machines can be gotten from byron.u.washington.edu by
anonymous ftp.

+-----All Views Expressed Are My Own And Are Not Necessarily Shared By------+
+------------------------------My Employer----------------------------------+
+ Ronald S. Woan       woan@peyote.cactus.org or woan%austin@iinus1.ibm.com +
+ other email addresses             Prodigy: XTCR74A Compuserve: 73530,2537 +

ehrlich@cs.psu.edu (Dan Ehrlich) (12/21/90)

In article <3366@d75.UUCP> ron@woan (Ronald S. Woan) writes:

Ronald> In article <1990Dec18.165043@Atherton.COM>, scottr@Atherton.COM (Scott
Ronald> Rasmussen) writes:
Scott> Does anyone out there have GNU emacs config files for the
Scott> RS/6000?  I'm looking for the m-?.h and s-?.h files used in
Scott> configuring GNU.  Thanks,

Ronald> I think consensus on the net has it that these requests should be made
Ronald> in comp.unix.aix and leave comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt for IBM RT and AIX 2.2.1
Ronald> questions... Anyway, patches and such for GNU EMACS on RISC
Ronald> System/6000 machines can be gotten from byron.u.washington.edu by
Ronald> anonymous ftp.

Don't forget us AOS 4.3 users.  There are still quite a few of us out here
lurking in the shadows.  :-)

Dan Ehrlich - Sr. Systems Programmer - Penn State Computer Science
<ehrlich@cs.psu.edu>/Voice: +1 814 863 1142/FAX: +1 814 865 3176

jpe@egr.duke.edu (John P. Eisenmenger) (12/21/90)

From article <3366@d75.UUCP>, by ron@woan (Ronald S. Woan):
> I think consensus on the net has it that these requests should be made
> in comp.unix.aix and leave comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt for IBM RT and AIX 2.2.1
> questions...

I beg to differ.  Until there's a comp.sys.ibm.rs6000 newsgroup this
is one of two newsgroups where RS/6000 postings should go.  RT stands
for "RISC Technology" and the RS/6000 is the next generation of that
line.  If you want to get technical about it, queries should be divided
between the groups on a hardware/OS basis, but pretty much every query
is cross-posted between the two.  Of course since I manage an RS/6000
and some RTs (running AOS 4.3), I'd read all these groups anyway...


ron@woan (Ronald S. Woan) (12/29/90)

In article <1262@cameron.egr.duke.edu>, jpe@egr.duke.edu (John P.
Eisenmenger) writes:
From article <3366@d75.UUCP>, by ron@woan (Ronald S. Woan):
> I think consensus on the net has it that these requests should be made
> in comp.unix.aix and leave comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt for IBM RT and AIX 2.2.1
> questions...

jpe>I beg to differ.  Until there's a comp.sys.ibm.rs6000 newsgroup this
jpe>is one of two newsgroups where RS/6000 postings should go.  RT stands
jpe>for "RISC Technology" and the RS/6000 is the next generation of that
jpe>line.  If you want to get technical about it, queries should be divided
jpe>between the groups on a hardware/OS basis, but pretty much every query
jpe>is cross-posted between the two.  Of course since I manage an RS/6000
jpe>and some RTs (running AOS 4.3), I'd read all these groups anyway...

This really isn't worth arguing about, but if you check the last few 
months, you'll see that very few articles were crossposted... I agree
about the hardware/software type division, but from previous trends,
comp.unix.aix has been serving all needs for the RISC System/6000 family.
I know quite a few people who could care less about RTs, so they don't
read comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt... If you have a question regarding the RISC
System/6000 family and/or AIX 3.1, please post it to comp.unix.aix...
Cross posting really doesn't help, and just burns inodes on those of
us running news systems.

+-----All Views Expressed Are My Own And Are Not Necessarily Shared By------+
+------------------------------My Employer----------------------------------+
+ Ronald S. Woan       woan@peyote.cactus.org or woan%austin@iinus1.ibm.com +
+ other email addresses             Prodigy: XTCR74A Compuserve: 73530,2537 +