[net.micro] Repeat mailing of Warning to DEC Rainbow Users

wouk@unc.UUCP (Arthur Wouk) (02/11/85)

I tried to send this out a few weeks ago, but apparently it
didn't make it. Here is a second try.

From wouk Mon Jan 28 09:25:16 1985
Article 9441 of net.micro:

I have recently had the following experience with me DEC Rainbow.
I  received  the  Rainbow in March of 1984, with two floppy drive
units (four discs) and began using Verbatim Datalife floppies  at
that  time.  I  started  using Dysan floppies in September or so,
when our puchasing department switched to them.

About two weeks ago I began to have troubles reading  from  drive
d:,  which  could be overcome by moving the floppy to drive a:. A
few days later this trouble reappeared on drive a:.  I  tried  to
format  a new box of Dysan discs but was unable to format them on
any combination of drives, one for the program, the other for the
disc  to  be  formatted.   At this point I called DEC Support and
they set up a visit from the repair services. The repairman came,
and  he  tried the usual. Replaced all possible electronics to no
avail. He could not get DEC floppies to format from DEC furnished
CPM  sources.  In all cases CPM reported that the drives were not
in acceptable speed range. Replacedment of all four  drives  (two
disc units) made DEC floppies work, but did not permit formatting
of Dysan discs.

The word from the DEC phone backup support people  is the follow-
ing: Rainbow drives are intended to be used with floppies WITHOUT
reinforcement rings about the central hole. The presence of these
rings  damages  the drives, while the drives damage the rings, to
the extent that eventually BOTH are unusable. You  must  use  un-
reinforced  floppies.   There  is no statement of this in any DEC
literature, but the software which is DEC-suppled  is  always  on
unreinforced discs.

Apparently this problem has just begun to  surface.  Change  your
floppies  as  soon as possible to unreinforced, or expect trouble
with the drives eventually.  With my new drives,  I  am  able  to
read  the  VERBATIM  discs but not the 10 or so DYSAN discs. I am
puzzling over methods to recover the information  on  the  latter

From wouk Tue Jan 29 09:31:14 1985
Article 9444 of net.micro:

An addendum to my note "Warning to  DEC  Rainbow  users." Several
floppy  manufacturers  (Memorex, 3M, Inmax, ... ) now sell a disc
for the Rainbow with special format. The same discs are  also  to
be  used with the Decmate II ( NOT the I) and the PRO 350 series.
Apparently DEC changed their drives at about the time the Rainbow
was introduced without telling anyone.

hummel@csd2.UUCP (Robert Hummel) (02/14/85)

/* csd2:net.micro / wouk@unc.UUCP (Arthur Wouk) /  8:46 am  Feb 11, 1985 */

> The word from the DEC phone backup support people  is the follow-
> ing: Rainbow drives are intended to be used with floppies WITHOUT
> reinforcement rings about the central hole. The presence of these
> rings  damages  the drives, while the drives damage the rings, to
> the extent that eventually BOTH are unusable. You  must  use  un-
> reinforced  floppies.   There  is no statement of this in any DEC
> literature, but the software which is DEC-suppled  is  always  on
> unreinforced discs.

This sounds very fishy to me. I've been using ordinary 3M SS/DD
diskettes with hub rings on two Rainbows for 15 months. The only
trouble I ever had with floppy drives occurred before I started using
the 3M disks. I suspect that someone has been feeding Mr. Wouk a line
of bull.

Tony Movshon (using a friend's account)
uucp:	{seismo|ihnp4|allegra}!cmcl2!hipl!tony
arpa:	hipl!tony@nyu-cmcl2