[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] X11R4 server for apa16 displays?

rr2b+@andrew.cmu.edu (Robert Andrew Ryan) (05/23/91)

Anyone know of any patches for the apa16 X server which didn't get
realeased as fixes by MIT?  I have observed two problems with the X
server supplied on the R4 tape after fixes 1-18 from MIT have been

1. Using XDrawSegments with a fill-style of FillStippled and a grey
bitmap as the stipple sometimes leave all or part of the first(?) line
segment undrawn (for horizontal lines).

2. At times it appears that if output is being generated to another
window while one window has the mouse and keyboard grabbed and an
override-redirect window up drawing can get confused and draw OUTSIDE
the window being drawn into (by the process which grabbed the keyboard
and mouse, NOT the X server).  BTW: I believe one symptom of this bug
can be seen using MWM (version<=1.1.1 I believe), sometimes two pixel
wide line segments get left lying around after you move or resize a

I suspect these problems may be due to the difficulty in syncing the
output of the drawing requests to the apa16 card with the cards actual
progress executing previous requests, anyone have any ideas?  I would
really like to fix these bugs, they're making my code look bad.  (Yes, I
am sure it is a server problem in as much as if I run the display on
another machine, say RS6000 or Decstation, everything looks ok, but if I
run it from an RS6000 or Decstation to a display on an RT it experiences
the problems described.)

Thanks for any info,
-Rob Ryan