[comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt] HELP: AT Simulator

johanes@tagore.helios.nd.edu (Johanes Suhardjo) (06/04/91)

Hi RT gurus:

I have problems installing AT Simulator v. 1.1.1 on a 6151 RT with an Advanced
Processor and Memory Management Card, VRM v. 2.2.1 and AIX v. 2.2.1.
Parts of the messages are:


	X linked O.K.

	Updating /etc/system, master, and predefined
	rm: /dev/simdd non-existent

	Rebuilding the kernel - please wait for shutdown

	000-121:   The 'installp' command cannot complete because a called
		subroutine failed with return code -5.


The content of /usr/lpp/sim/lpp.hist is

	c sim		00.00.0000 030691 root Version 1.1.1
	t PC AT Simulator
	p cp-sim	01.02.0000	PC Simulator subset
	* Config failed: unable to process /etc/master, system, predefined, or
	  input files
	* .	.	.	'instal' failed, exit code: 250		*

Please, somebody, help me with this.  Thanks a lot in advance.

| Johanes Suhardjo                 |               Civil Engineering         |
| suhardjo@ndcvx.cc.nd.edu         |            University of Notre Dame     |
| johanes@newton.ce.nd.edu         |      P.O. Box 825, Notre Dame, IN 46556 | 