[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] Nansi or Fansi and Slip

BLASCO@ICNUCEVM.BITNET ("A. Blasco Bonito") (09/14/88)

Sorry to bother the list with these requests but I wasn't able to
have an answer from other sources. Please reply to me directly.

I'm using KA9Q. I know that some driver (Nansi or Fansi) is capable
to add VT100 functionality to it.
Where (possibly on the net) can I get them ?

I've tried the SLIP driver of KA9Q successfully connecting PCs among
themselves. I would like to use SLIP to go through a Unix machine
(in particular a Sun 3/140 running SunOs 3.4).
Where can I get a SLIP driver for it?

Thanks in advance.

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A. Blasco Bonito                   Internet: Blasco@icnucevm.cnuce.cnr.it
CNUCE - Istituto del CNR                   Earn/Bitnet:   Blasco@icnucevm
Reparto Reti e Sistemi Distribuiti         Tel: +39 (50) 593246
Via S. Maria, 36                           Telex: 500371 CNUCE I
56126 PISA   ITALY                         FAX: +39 (50) 576571
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