[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] New version of Novell shell for packet driver.

KELLY@DCSPROD.BYU.EDU (Kelly McDonald) (05/02/89)

We have made some updates to the Novell Shell that operates with packet
drivers and are currently making available version 2.01 which primarily
fixes the bug where Netware hangs when doing a copy from a local drive
to a network drive.

Also, for those who have had problems running the Netware Shell with the
packet driver for WD8003, we have been able to duplicate the "file server
not found" error with version 3 of the WD8003e packet driver. We tried the
netware shell with the new version 2.0 for the WD8003e and find that it
works ok, so we haven't investigated any further.  Those that are having
problems with the Western Digital driver should get the latest one.

You can now retrieve the software via electronic mail from the archive
server at Clarkson. Details are found in Appendix C of the following document.

*********************** read.me file from Novell.exe  *******************


                           April, 1989

     Brigham Young University (BYU) has developed a system that
allows Novell's Netware to share the network adapter card in a PC
workstation with other networking systems.  This is accomplished
by using software that supports the PC/TCP Packet Driver
Specification.  This interface specification, proposed by FTP
Software, Inc. allows various products to concurrently utilize the
network adapter card installed in the PC.

                       What You Will Need

To successfully allow Netware to share the network adapter with
other software, you will need the following:

1.   The shell drivers written by BYU that will allow you to
     generate a Netware shell for the PC workstation. If you are
     interested in using the Novell Bridge Program with other
     networking software, then you must also use the LAN drivers
     that are distributed with the shell drivers.  These drivers
     are written to meet Novell's specifications and operate
     according to the Novell documentation found in the System
     Installation manual.  These drivers can be obtained by
     anonymous FTP (password guest) from dcsprod.byu.edu
     ( The drivers are found in a \novell sub-
     directory in a self extracting archive file called:
     "novell.exe".  Currently, these drivers support Netware
     versions 2.1 and higher.

2.   A packet driver that supports the type of network adapter that
     you are interested in using.  This software, similar to a DOS
     device driver, controls the adapter card and interfaces to
     the various systems that want to use it.  These are available
     for a number of popular network cards including: 3COM, Western
     Digital, Micom Interlan, and others. There is an Internet site
     that acts as a repository for packet drivers. They can be
     obtained from sun.soe.clarkson.edu ( via
     anonymous FTP in a directory called: pub/ka9q.  The file is
     a self extracting archive file called drivers.exe.  Some
     adapter card manufacturers are also beginning to supply packet
     drivers with their hardware. Ask your vendor if they support
     a packet driver for their card.

3.   Configuration support for the Netware file server that you
     wish to communicate with.  There is a minor configuration
     change necessary to the file server that you wish to
     communicate with.  The file necessary to accomplish this
     configuration change is found in the novell.exe file that you
     retrieved for item 1.
4.   Other networking software products to operate concurrently
     with packet driver Netware.  The whole reason for doing this
     in the first place is to allow concurrent operation of Netware
     with other software products.  It is beyond the scope of this
     document to describe how you acquire them. Several that have
     been tested and are compatable with Netware are: 1) PC/TCP
     from FTP Software Inc. 2) KA9Q Internet Program from Phil
     Karn, and 3) NCSA Telnet from National Center For
     SuperComputing Applications.  Since this Netware system
     follows the PC/TCP Packet Driver Specification, it should be
     compatable with any other networking products that adhere to
     the same specification.

                    Installation Instructions

1.   Generate a new IPX.COM file for your Novell Workstation.  To
     prepare for this, copy the files from the directory in which
     you have extracted them from the archive file, to the Netware
     directories as specified in Appendix A.  Follow the
     instructions for generating a Netware shell and select the
     "Packet Driver" driver from the Network Driver Menu during the
     SHELLGEN process.  The shell drivers have no configuration
     options and will scan the interrupt vectors Ox60-Ox80 for a
     loaded Packet Driver.  It will use the first one found.

2.   Install the appropriate packet driver on your PC workstation
     for the adapter card that you have.  The packet driver is a
     DOS "terminate stay resident" type of program that attaches
     itself to DOS when it is executed.  Therefore, it should
     probably be placed in the autoexec.bat file so that it is
     installed when the machine starts up.  Specific instructions
     for installation on the particular card you are using is
     included in the drivers.exe archive file that you retreived
     earlier, or by entering the driver name without any options
     at the DOS prompt.

3.   To configure the file server for proper operation, you must
     utilize a Novell utility called "econfig" to change the
     network operating parameters on your existing file server. 
     Detailed description on the use of econfig is found in
     Appendix B of this document.  A copy of econfig.exe has been
     included in the novell.exe file that you retrieved.

4.   Install other software products for the packet driver as
     specified in their respective installation manuals.

                          APPENDIX A
BYU Packet Driver development for Novell LANs version 2.00. 
Kelly McDonald      kelly@dcsprod.byu.edu 
Eric Henderson      eric@dcsprod.byu.edu 
These drivers conform to the specifications in FTP software's
PC/TCP Packet Driver Specification, Revision 1.05. When a shell or
bridge is generated using these drivers, it is possible to share
a NIC with other software such as FTP's TCP/IP software. 

The archive file contains the following files: 
     READ.ME        This file 
     PDSHELL.OBJ    files for 2.1 shell generation 
     PDSHELL.LAN         "
     APDLAN.OBJ     Novell 2.1 LAN driver for bridges
     BPDLAN.OBJ          "
     CPDLAN.OBJ          "
     DPDLAN.OBJ          "
     PDLAN.LAN           "
     ECONFIG.EXE    Novell's configuration utility for shells    
                    and drivers. (Type ECONFIG ? for help). 

These drivers are expecting a Packet Driver Interface to already
be loaded somewhere between INT 60h and 80h.  

The shell drivers have no configuration options and will scan the
interrupt vectors for the Packet Driver. This means that if several
Packet Driver interfaces are loaded at one time, the first found 
(lowest) will be used to access Novell Ethernet packets. 

The LAN drivers have 5 options. Options 1-4 allow for multiple LAN
Packet Drivers by specifying INT 60h,61h,62h,or 63h. The fifth
option is for a Bridge that has only one PD and the driver will
simply find which INT to use as in the shell driver. 
PD*.LAN has been set up so the generation utilities will search
LAN_DRV_001 for the 2.1 OBJ files. Copy ?PDLAN.OBJ, PDSHELL.OBJ,
and PDLAN.LAN into LAN_DRV_001 and then copy PDSHELL.LAN into

These drivers only operate on the Novell Ethernet type 8137 and not
the 802.3 protocol most often used by Novell.  To allow for the 
correct packets it is necessary to run Novell's ECONFIG utility on
any bridge or server which needs to be visible by the packet
                           APPENDIX B
                      ECONFIG INSTRUCTIONS

The ECONFIG utility allows the system manager to change the driver
Novell supplies for your Ethernet LAN card to the Ethernet protocol
specification.  The system manager needs to run the ECONFIG utility
against the OS or bridge files.  The OS or bridge files are called
NET$OS.EXE and BRIDGE.EXE.  ECONFIG contains several parameters
that a system manager needs to enter to properly configure the LAN
drivers as Ethernet drivers.

The system manager should follow the ECONFIG command with the
server volume, the file name, and a parameter as follows:


[parameter list] is one of the following:
A-D:[configuration type]
  [configuration type] = N(normal 802.3), E[type constant]
     [type constant] = 0-FFFF (8137 is Novell's assigned type    

     Example:  econfig net$os.exe A:n; B:e 8137
               econfig bridge.exe a:e 8137;b:n

The volume refers to the volume on which the file resides, the file
refers to either the OS or bridge file.  The parameter refers to
the LAN card in the device the system manager is configuring.  Each
NetWare file server can support up to four LAN cards, therefore
Novell assigns letters (A-D) to correspond with each card.  The
constant is Novell's hexadecimal protocal number, 8137.  After
ECONFIG runs, the driver will be properly configured for the
Ethernet specification.

The system manager can enter ECONFIG from the command line,
following with the file's name and the Enter key(<Enter>) in order
to display a particular system's configuration.  The network will
display the current protocol of each LAN driver installed in the

The system displays a device that contains an 802.3 driver (LAN A)
and an Ethernet driver (LAN B) as follows:

A:econfig bridge.exe

     A: Novell Ethernet       (IEEE 802.3 Compatible)
     B: Ethernet    Typefield: 8137 (Assigned Novell)
                         type constant)

Users that have the packet driver interface will not be able to
attach to the NetWare file server if the system manager fails to
use ECONFIG, or uses it improperly to install the driver files on
the file server.  When users try to load the shell, they will get
a "file server not found" error message on their workstations.  In
this case, the error message is caused because the bridge or shell
sends out IEEE 802.3 protocol packets that the packet driver
interface does not recognize because the packets lack a "type"
constant in that field.

For further information read "Changing horses midstream", LANTIMES,
Feb. 1989 issue, p.90.
                     Appendix C

Instructions for Retrieving from Archive Server
at Clarkson Univ.

This archive contains the binary archive for Novell.exe This
is the Index file from the novell archive.

The Novell.exe file is a self-extracting executable which
contains the following files from the BYU distribution:

	ECONFIG  EXE    24269   4-15-88   2:25p
	PDLAN    LAN      389   4-28-89  11:48a
	DPDLAN   OBJ     2266   4-27-89   6:01p
	APDLAN   OBJ     2266   4-27-89   6:00p
	READ     ME     10008   4-29-89   2:59p
	PDSHELL  LAN      144   4-28-89  11:40a
	BPDLAN   OBJ     2266   4-27-89   6:01p
	PDSHELL  OBJ     1632   4-27-89   5:53p
	CPDLAN   OBJ     2266   4-27-89   6:01p

The following files are available from the archive-server

-rw-r--r--  1 bkc         10699 Apr 29 22:06 Index  (this file)
-rw-r--r--  1 bkc         64761 Apr 29 22:06 novell.exe.uu  (what you want)

To obtain the file novell.exe.uu, you should send a message to

Include the following two lines in your mail message:

	path <your internet address goes here>
	send novell novell.exe.uu

Please be sure to insert the path command. Otherwise the archive
server may not be able to reach your site correctly.

To reconstruct the files, you must:
	1. Remove all headers and trailers.
	2. uudecode the main file.
	3. Transfer the file novell.exe to your PC in binary mode.
	4. Execute Novell.exe