[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] Installation of NCSA Telnet with TOPS Card

jtwarden@CHARIS.CHEM.RPI.EDU (06/13/89)

Recently I downloaded the binary version of the experimental NCSA
Telnet which supports LocalTalk. I have a PC/AT clone in which
a TOPS card is installed. This card is ca. 2 years old and is
functional with the TOPS program (v1.02). The board address is 398
with interupt (IRQ) 2. When I try to run telnet I get the following
error messages:

LTopen Appletalk driver not installed
Could not open hardware level netware driver.

At boot the TOPS driver ATALK.SYS is loaded - and in the CONFIG.TEL
I have designated hardware=atalk. Has anyone had experience using
TOPS or localtalk cards with the experimental version of Telnet?
Our localtalk is connected to the ethernet via a Kinetics FastPath4
running KIP.


Joseph Warden
Department of Chemistry

Internet: jtwarden@charis.chem.rpi.edu -or- jtwarden@pawl.rpi.edu
BITNET: jtwarden@rpitsmts