[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] looking for info on HW/SW for tcp-ip

dieter@oahu.cs.ucla.edu (Dieter Rothmeier) (06/23/89)

We are looking for information regarding good
hardware/software combinations for running
tcp-ip over ethernet.  The pc's are running dos
and range from 8086's to 286's and 386's.

Thanks in advance,

hd@tavi.rice.edu (Hubert D.) (06/23/89)

We've got several PC machines with NCSA telnet and micom/interlan ni5210
boards.  These boards are quite robust (reliable) and use the intel
82586 ethernet chip.  The ni5210 has been arround for a while and can be
purchased in the 200 to 300 dollar range.  The board is capable of
connecting to both thin and thick ethernet. 

NCSA telnet is good software.  NCSA telnet is faster than FTP's telnet
on screen updates but the keyboard mapping is weaker.  

We are using the NCSA telnet version available from Clarkson University
which has the added feature of optionally using bootp to get the network
info and the ip address of the PC's from a server.  This feature allows
the administrator to distribute one version of the software to all the
PC's on the local network.  When new machines are added, a single entry
in the bootptab on the server containing the 48 bit ethernet address of
the new machine is the only installation required. 

NCSA telnet, both versions, emulate the vt102 and tek 4013 terminal.

A version is available from Clarkson which emulates an IBM terminal but
this version hasn't been used here.

Hubert Daugherty             Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
hd@rice.edu                                   Rice University
(713) 527-4035                               Houston, TX 77252
Hubert Daugherty             Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
hd@rice.edu                                   Rice University
(713) 527-4035                               Houston, TX 77252