usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner) (07/03/89)
I have received so many replies for summaries for my recent request of information on programs that will do news/email from a PC with USENET. It appears that some of it may be PD/shareware. Can anyone tell me where I can get it from. A suggestion would be to post it to the net, since so many people are interested in this. Thanks again to all those who replied to my posting. Dave Scholten ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi; This is in reply to your query concerning NSDOS based software to access the net, receive mail and read the news. I use UULINK from Vortex Technology in LA. Its a commercial product, and am very pleased with it. I use it on a 286 machine with a hayes compatible modem. Give them a call and they'll send youa brochure descrbing the features and functionality of their product. ========================================================================== Ok, the package you want is PD (shareware?). It is called UFGATE, and the full distribution is a 600k+ .ARC. It is really a complete USENET<->FidoNet gateway. It can do UUCP, and handle mail and news. I have a friend who feeds his friend, and it works just fine. I downloaded it from the BBS of the folks who pulled all the PD parts together. I think the name is midnight software. ============================================================================ Several such programs exists, but they differ in quality and ease of use. Among the PD software giving UUCP capabilities to DOS machines are UUPC and DCP. According to a friend of mine, DCP is the best system, but you can try them both. UUPC is available through the internet on archive sites, since it has been distributed through comp.sources. resently. If you dont have internet access, you will do well in looking for the USENIX distribution tapes, since one of those will probably contain UUPC.