[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] HELP! NCSA, KA9Q, IBM XT, SMTP, and Unix termtype...

cayz@udel.EDU (James Cayz) (08/24/89)

> 	I recently downloaded the newest version of KA9Q from simtel20, and am
>having a _real_hard_time_ getting Unix to understand what kind of terminal I am
>on...  (The unix is 4.3BSD)
I posted this yesterday to comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc, and have gotten a few 
responses, most of them them saying that KA9Q doesn't use any screen driver
stuff, and whatever you have in the config.sys is what you are going to get.

What I am aiming to do is in one network package, provide telnet, ftp, and 
smtp.  NCSA has a really nice ftp and telnet, but no smtp (please, correct me
if I am wrong!!!).  KA9Q has all three, but does not have the slick vt102
terminal emulation that NCSA has in telnet operation....

I simply haven't seen any smtp for NCSA, so I sorta ruled that out.  So, I 
tried KA9Q...  Go it working, it does ftp, smtp, and telnet....  However, the
terminal "emulation" is handled by whatever the DOS config.sys specifies...
Logging into a Unix host (BSD4.3), I can't find a termtype that works OK...
People have suggested using a different .sys driver.   I have tried the 
following: NANSI (9/87 version), ZANSI, QWIKANSI.  I have tried all of them
with the standard "ansi", "vt100", "vt102" termtype on the unix end.  Also, a
"nansi" termcap that someone has sent me...  And also "stty -tabs" on the unix

Inevitably, I end up with something that is close, but not quite the quality of
the vt102 driver in NCSA 2.3 ....  (What I'd like to get)

Now, I know I am being picky, but I would like to have the following qualities
for my *ansi*.sys and termcap entry:
- an insert mode that doesn't 1. clear the screen for each insert or 
	2. typeover the old stuff, until you refresh the screen (^L)
- Scroll up / down that really scrolls, rather than jamming the new text onto
either the first or last line, and not changing the rest of the screen.
- cursor motions that is accurate, not 1 line and/or col off (all directions),
either all of the time, or only in column 1.  

So, in summary, what I am looking for is one of:
1. SMTP that works with NCSA
2. a unix termcap and corresponding ibm dos device driver
3. a device driver that is the same as NCSA's internal one.

Please, reply directly to me via e-mail if possible...  I have had enough time
just getting hooked up and running recently that I haven't had a whole lot of
time to read new.... 

I know this has been long, but thanx for all the help with this!!!

|James Cayz can be found via:    USPS: Educational Technology Laboratory,
|E-MAIL (ARPA): cayz@louie.udel.edu  : 203 Willard Hall Education Building,
|PHONE: +1 302 451-6307              : University of Delaware, Newark DE 19716